You’ll spend a lot of time scouring the battlefield for anything usable, such as ammunition, weapons, and attachments to customize your firearms in The Forever Winter. But at the end of the day, it’s an extraction shooter. You must extract in The Forever Winter. Here’s how to get out alive with your loot!
How to Get Out With Your Loot in The Forever Winter

When you first drop into a raid in The Forever Winter, where you’re meant to go is unclear. The HUD doesn’t indicate any direct path straight off the bat, and you’ll likely wander aimlessly for a little while. It’s an excellent time to learn the layout of each zone. But good luck remembering every path and cover point because the world is chaotic.
As you roam deeper into the map, you will inevitably receive a new HUD marker in the form of a white square indicating an extraction zone. It will start small, appearing from a distance, and grow bold and clear as you move closer to the extract point.
To extract, enter the indicated zone and hit the prompt (Hotkey: E) on your keyboard. Before you return to The Innards with your loot, there’s a short countdown, and you would do well to avoid enemies.
Related: How to Switch Characters in The Forever Winter
Do You Lose Your Loot If You Die in The Forever Winter?

Unfortunately, if you die mid-raid, you’ll lose everything you brought or found in the raid—items, weapons, consumables, and upgrades. You will, however, retain your experience points, at least your character XP, as you’ll lose your weapon XP.
Supposedly, when you die with one character, another takes place. It’s the same archetype, though. So, I chose the Mask Man as my main, and after dying mid-raid, I didn’t notice any difference. I’ll have to look more clearly for any minute details, though.
Water in The Forever Winter plays a significant role, and we have a little more info on the mechanic for you. There’s more to come, though. For now, head over to the official Insider Gaming community forums to discuss the game or party up with other scavs!