EXCLUSIVE – New Details on The Next Battlefield Game

It probably takes the same amount of time to create one modern Battlefield map as it did to make 4-5 1942 maps. The level of detail in these frostbite era maps is just incomparable.

A more appropriate comparison would be 2042 itself. The game launched with 13 maps (6 portal maps by Ripple Effect + 7 AOW maps by DICE), and I honestly expected 13-14 maps at launch for the next Battlefield since there's 4 studios working on it. But if it's only DICE that is working on the multiplayer and the rest of the studios are doing their own thing, then it makes sense why we're back to 10 maps and 30-40 weapons
Sure, but BFV got 9 maps shortly after launch altogether with not DICE fully on the MP of that game. I mean BFV developed 2 or under years with part of the studio is damn impressive as a whole (okay, 1 map was by DICE LA/Ripple Effect release shortly after launch).

I really do agree with the amount of resources DICE is just mostly on the MP alotgether than one part of DICE we should see 12+ maps ideally, because this game's development isn't completely screwed up Vs 2042 as rumoured after 4 years after 2042. Unless they've been prototyping + sorting out current FB engine (which was not the case with 2042 + fixing 2042 to an 'acceptable' state.
I hope they keep the language support and the number of countries in the game wide; this will increase the enjoyment many people get from the game and make them more connected to it.