Insider Gaming

February Nintendo Direct due Next Week, it’s Claimed

A February Nintendo Direct is set to be broadcast as soon as next week, Giant Bomb’s Jeff Grubb has asserted.

The question of when the next Direct could be expected was put to the industry insider in the latest episode of the Last of the Nintendogs podcast. Co-host Mike Minotti asked Grubb if he had heard any news regarding an inbound Direct, given the degree of expectation for one to take place this month.

“Yeah, I mean everything I’m hearing—and it’s all just sort of reiterating it—it continues to be the week of February 6th. Over and over and over again, every little detail I get is basically a week from now, we should be hearing about all this stuff.”

That doesn’t leave long until the expected show, but Nintendo has made a habit of announcing Directs on extremely short notice, often with as little as 24 hours until the broadcast takes place.

Grubb elaborates on the February Direct date slightly, saying that he expects it to be late in the week. He also says that the date isn’t too surprising given Nintendo has consistently hosted a Direct around this stage of the year.

As for what a new Nintendo Direct could cover? With the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom arriving in May, more details including pre-order options could be delivered soon or in a dedicated The Legend of Zelda Direct at a future date. 

The Advance Wars 1+2 Remake also remains in limbo, with its original launch postponed due to the outbreak of war in Europe. And finally, Metroid Prime fans can always hang on to hope that any hint of the postponed fourth entry will peek out from behind the developmental curtain.

What would you like to see in a Nintendo Direct?

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