Insider Gaming

Dying Light Sells 30m Copies, Dev Touches on Next Game

Dying Light, arguably one of the most popular zombie franchises to ever release, has surpassed 30 million copies sold since the first game dropped in 2015. Techland revealed this figure in celebration of the first anniversary of Dying Light 2.

It’s a landmark milestone for the Polish-born franchise, which has wowed post-apocalyptic fans for eight years. During the announcement and dissemination of information from Techland, it was suggested that, for now, Dying Light is finished.

There’s a project underway as Techland, but it’s worlds away from Dying Light.

Dying Light Stays Bright

Even in the eighth year of operation, Techland delivers updates and new content for Dying Light. It’s still a buzzing ecosystem of a franchise today, even if the franchise has had a pin put firmly in it by the developer.

Using Steam as an example, we can see that a peak player count of around 15,000 users is secured every month, which is a fair count for a game that’s eight years old. Remarkably, that’s a few thousand a month higher than Dying Light 2.

Dying Light retains a dominant position within its niche compared to other franchises of a similar nature. For instance, the Dead Rising franchise had only sold around 15 million units as of March 2022. Elsewhere, State of Decay 2 dropped in 2018, and it took until 2022 for the game to pass the 10 million mark.

What’s Next For Techland?

In the ‘Techland Handout’, the developer once again touched on the future of the studio, reiterating that it’s working on an unannounced AAA title, which, to be more specific, is an:

‘Open World Action RPG set in a brand new fantasy world’.

This project was first revealed in 2022, when Techland CEO, Pawel Marchewka, spoke highly of the title:

We want to create a fully next-gen experience. A new fantasy epic set in a sprawling open world, fuelled by skills and experience we have gained as a team over the years, infused with new ideas, passion, and creativity.

There’s no indication as of yet what that title will look like, but all good things come to those who wait.

For more Insider Gaming news, check out our coverage of the end of the life of Back 4 Blood.

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