Alright, let’s get this uncomfortable fact out of the way. A certain subset of clientele within the trading card game community tends to have an odor about them. It’s an unfortunate fact of life, and it’s one the team behind TCG Card Shop Simulator recreated in its management and simulation game. You must deal with smelly customers in TCG Card Shop Simulator; otherwise, they’ll scare away paying customers. Here’s how to delicately handle the situation!
How to Handle Gross Customers in TCG Card Shop Simulator
Occasionally, as you run your little card shop, you’ll note the odd customer entering the store with a noxious green gas cloud surrounding their upper body. It’s a stench you can almost smell and taste in real life. Unfortunately, it will also scare away your other paying customers, so you must act quickly. You can tell the customer to move, thereby kicking them out of the shop, but then you risk losing their money. This customer, while smelly, also tends to spend quite a bit. They were my first $100 sale in TCG Card Shop Simulator.
Instead of kicking out gross, smelly customers in TCG Card Shop Simulator, invest in buying one of the Auto Scent machines from within the My DIY Racks app of your smartphone. When placed within your store, these items help keep it clean and fresh, removing odors from customers as they pass by. It’s an investment worth making!
Alternatively, you can buy Cleanser from the Stock Order section on your smartphone. It’s under Accessories at the very top of the tab. It’s a spray-can product designed to eliminate odors. You’ll want to keep a box behind the counter somewhere, and each time you notice a smelly customer, go ahead and pull a can and spray them down.
Related: How to Make Money Fast in TCG Card Shop Simulator
How to Unlock the Auto Scent Machines

As you level up your shop, you’ll unlock additional equipment to make selling products easier. One piece of equipment you’ll buy for the sake of your customers is the Auto Scent. There are various models, with the top tier being more expensive but more effective.
- Auto Scent M100 (Shop Level 5)
- Auto Scent G500 (Shop Level 18)
- Auto Scent T1000 (Shop Level 40)
For now, purchasing two Auto Scent M100 units for $500 apiece and placing them on either side of the shop entrance will suffice. As customers enter the store, they’ll immediately pass by the M100 units, eradicating any odors and keeping the entire store clean and fresh for everyone else!
To help you level up your shop and unlock new equipment to deal with smelly customers, you’ll want first to learn how to get more customers in TCG Card Shop Simulator! Don’t forget to visit the official Insider Gaming community forums to discuss PC gaming with us!