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Rise of Cultures World Wonders

This game offers numerous unique mechanics that give you plenty of reasons to return for a daily or weekly session.

These extend to the system of world wonders.

On this page, we will guide you through Rise of Cultures world wonders. This will include the role of these buildings and what you can gain from their construction.

What are world wonders in Rise of Cultures?

World wonders are unique structures you can build in your Capital City and Allied Cultures, like Egypt or China.

When you construct one, you will receive a buff that affects production, research, worker count, and other unique benefits.

To construct world wonders, you must first unlock blueprints.

Thankfully, the game brings about a sense of community here. You can work with other players to unlock blueprints, donate resources, and level up your and others’ structures.

It is a fantastic way to feel part of the bigger picture, especially if you join a guild!

What rewards can be won from world wonders?

You will receive various rewards for completing world wonders and, more specifically, donating resources toward helping another player complete their own.

These rewards scale depending on the wonder group, the amount of resources donated, and other factors.

For donating towards world wonders, you will earn an increasing number of gears each time.

You may then accumulate these gears and turn them into orbs from Leonardo Da Vinci.

He will invent unique items and buffs to help your culture.

What are world wonder blueprints in Rise of Cultures?

Every world wonder in the game requires a complete blueprint to unlock and build.

You must place down or construct a world wonder with a blueprint.

The goal is to acquire blueprints in two varieties. These are rare and legendary.

Most are rare, but legendary features a golden glow around the image to let you know it’s unique.

You can earn a blueprint by spending orbs, which you’ll earn by acquiring gears.

This will in turn come from helping other players complete their world wonders!

Wonder Groups

Wonders of the Ancient WorldWonders of the Great EmpiresWonders from Stories and Myths

What wonders are included in the Wonders of the Ancient World?

StonehengeHanging GardensStatue of Zeus
Temple of ArtemisCheops PyramidLighthouse of Alexandria
Great SphinxAbu SimbelTomb of Mausolus
Colossus of Rhodes

Where can the blueprints for these wonders be found?

Wonders of the Ancient World offers the only world wonders in the game available from the Bronze Age, near the beginning of your gameplay experience.

Here, you’ll help donate resources to other players to build their world wonders, thereby acquiring gears.

Once you have gears, speak to Leonardo Da Vinci to transmute gears to orbs.

The latter offers a slight chance of unlocking world wonder blueprints.

What wonders are included in the Wonders of the Great Empires?

Hagia SophiaColosseumPalace of Aachen
Sherwood ForestTerracotta ArmyTikal
Forbidden CityGreat WallSayil Palace
Chichen Itza

Where can the blueprints for these wonders be found?

You will only start unlocking blueprints from Wonders of the Great Empires upon reaching the Early Rome period in the game.

It’s about halfway, give or take, through the era tree in Rise of Cultures.

Once you hit this point, speak with Leonardo Da Vinci.

He’ll request gears in exchange for orbs, which gives you a slight chance of spawning blueprints.

What wonders are included in the Wonders from Stories and Myths?

AlhambraCite de CarcassonneLeaning Tower of Pisa
YggdrasilDragonship EllidaValhalla

Where can the blueprints for these wonders be found?

You can only acquire blueprints for wonders from Stories and Myths by progressing through the game to Early Rome.

From there, you must acquire orbs by spending gears at Leonardo Da Vinci, who will randomly generate a reward.

Unfortunately, you’re not guaranteed a blueprint. However, it’s your best and only shot to acquire a world wonder.

World wonders provides something more to work towards in Rise of Cultures.

While you’re busy focusing on progressing through the game’s various periods, from the Stone Age to the High Middle Ages, the side objective looms.

Spending very little time working with other players to construct wonders is possible. But the numerous buffs they have in your settlement prove more than worthwhile!

However, the critical thing to remember is that you have limited building space on the map.

You likely can’t construct every world wonder.

As such, you must choose which makes the most sense for your playstyle and needs.

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