Insider Gaming

Beginner’s Tips and Tricks for Winning Big in Warzone

When was the last time you came in first on Call of Duty: Warzone? You might win a match next year with a few worthwhile Warzone tips and tricks from someone who won a single round way back when the game was first released.

Open Your Parachute Early

Most people carefully plan their drops with pinpoint accuracy. They know which building they’ll camp in and the route they’ll take into the zone once it appears. But you know better.

Open your chute early. When you do, you pull your starting pistol. Did you know you can kill opposing players while they’re still floating down to the ground? Use these precious seconds in the air to down an enemy player, or at the very least, take some of their health away.

Spend Cash Early, Spend It Often

When you die, you wind up in the Gulgag. You’ll receive a single life in a 1v1 against another opponent there. If you die, you’re done. If you win, you resurrect and parachute down once more.

To avoid losing all of the money you earned up to this point, spend it early and often. You can buy a self-resurrect for $4500, which is invaluable to avoid the Gulag and remain in the match.

While playing in a party, any help you can provide to your team makes you invaluable, so spend the money to revive dead teammates!

Avoid the Gas

Well, duh. This is a non-tip, you’re likely thinking. But wait, the gas in Call of Duty: Warzone is unlike the gas found in PUBG or Fortnite. In this battle royale, the gas is deadly. With the gas rapidly encroaching your position, you cannot hang around, waiting to unleash an ambush.

If you have a gas mask, your character will automatically put it on when inside the gas zone. But this process takes a long time. Use that limited time to find a better position—a gas-free position.

Grind the Pre-Game

Many are content to sit around and wait for the actual battle royale to begin. They grab a drink, eat a snack, or check their social media.

During the pre-game, use those precious minutes to train your weapons. You earn XP before the match by getting kills, which unlocks perks, attachments, and skins.

Do you have any worthwhile tips to share with brand-new players jumping into Warzone for the first time this holiday season? Let us know in the comments below, or visit the Insider Gaming forums!

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