Insider Gaming

Apex Legends Season 23 Reveals Return To Original Map With Classic Weapons and Abilities

Respawn and EA have released the trailer for Apex Legends Season 23, and with it comes the reveal of the return to the game’s original map.

Titled “From the Rift”, the new season kicks off November 5 and brings with it the new Launch Royale game mode that takes players to the original World’s Edge.

“Go original and experience the beginning of Apex Legends. Again,” Respawn says. “Relive the first drop in Launch Royale with original Legends, Weapons, and more! Charge your loadout with overcranked weapons and abilities from Rift Relics. Get active with Lifeline, revived with new abilities. Sharpen your arsenal with the Raptor’s Claw universal melee cosmetic!

In a post on the PlayStation Blog, Respawn Senior Community Manager Amy Thiessen said the new mode will have all original weapons, abilities, legends, rules, and more.

Other features of Apex Legends Season 23 includes new Rift Relics, a rework of Lifeline, new perks, a new melee weapon, and more. You can check out full details below via Respawn.

Apex Legends Season 23 Updates

Lifeline Update

  • Combat Glide: Hold Jump mid-air to use to D.O.C. to briefly glide, and deploy D.O.C. to revive teammates, leaving Lifeline free to defend.
  • D.O.C. Heal Drone: D.O.C. heals nearby allies. D.O.C. can be assigned to follow allies once deployed.
  • D.O.C. Halo: throw D.O.C. to activate Halo Shield System. All players inside use Health & Shield consumables faster

Rift Relics

Forming from the unstable Rift in the sky, Rift Relics disrupt our reality to bring enviable items from seemingly nowhere. Pick up the EPG-1 Launcher with splash damage and rocket-jumping capabilities, and unleash exotic Hop-Ups like Lifesteal, which heals with every hit. If survival is more your gameplan, then lookout for the new survival item: Boost Kits.

Support Class Perks

Heal Expert

  • Move at full walk speed while healing
  • Healing amount from small meds is doubled

Revive Expert

  • 25% faster revives and grant health regen on a successful revive
  • Banner Crafting and ally Death Boxes now spawn a Mobile Respawn Beacon (which Support Legends will be able to spot inside)

New Melee

Up the ante with the new Raptor’s Claw. This universal melee cosmetic can be used by any and all Legends to add some flare while you’re taking down the enemy. 

For more Insider Gaming, check out why Dragon Age’s creative director thinks a remaster of the original games is unlikely to happen. And don’t forget to sign up for our weekly newsletter.

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