Until Dawn Remake developer Ballistic Moon is “effectively closed”. That’s according to multiple sources with knowledge of the situation.
Insider Gaming has learned that after the layoffs that were publicly announced in September 2024 took place, roughly 40 employees or so were let go. The remaining staff was kept to offer post-launch support and development on Until Dawn after its October release. In December 2024, however, the company quietly laid off that staff as well, resulting in around 20 more developers losing their job.
Sources say that only the studio’s founders remain and “possibly” a handful of employees “at most”. There are no employees in public relations, marketing, or development left.
“People are sharing bugs they’ve found in the game to make the team aware but there is no one working on patch support for the game anymore,” one source said. “The studio has effectively closed now.”
As far as what happened, those who spoke on the condition of anonymity made it clear that the owners attempted to keep things at Ballistic Moon moving forward. Many said that the owners were actively looking for funding and pitching projects, but couldn’t secure funding or a new publisher.
When asked about Sony publishing another game or future updates to Until Dawn Remake for the studio, one source said it was discussed but never came to fruition.
“Sony said after the game they might greenlight more funding for updates, but looks like they didn’t,” the source said.
Regarding working at the studio, most who spoke said that it was a generally good place to work. Many spoke highly of their teams and the work being done. What they didn’t like, though, were instances of unpaid overtime. One former employee equated it to “weeks” of unpaid work and that the internal announcement of redundancies came after the team had worked overtime.
“Nice reward for our hard work,” they said.
Ballistic Moon’s leadership has yet to put out an official statement on the status of the studio and whether or not it has been or will be closed. In technical terms, it’s remains active in name. Should a publisher sign on or funding come from elsewhere, the studio could start the hiring process again to bring in developers and other staff. Right now, however, there is no work being done.
Insider Gaming has attempted multiple times to get in contact with Ballistic Moon’s co-founders and owners as well as Sony regarding the claims of additional funding for the studio, but no responses have been received. Should any come after the publishing of this story, it will be added in an update.
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