Insider Gaming

The Complete List of Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Achievements

Folks, don’t hate me, but I’ve never played Ninja Gaiden. Not a single entry in the long-running series, unfortunately. But with the surprise launch of Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, I intend to rectify that problem, thanks to the power of Xbox Game Pass. Now, I likely won’t shoot for 100% completion, but you might. To help, here’s a look at the complete list of Ninja Gaiden 2 Black achievements on PC and Xbox!

Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Achievements List

There are 38 achievements in Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, ranging from completing specific campaign chapters to utilizing unique techniques while dealing with enemies. You’ll unlock most during gameplay without seeking specific challenges or ordeals.

Master of the Secret ArtsObtain all achievements
Like the WindObtain the scroll of The Reverse Wind Technique and perform the technique.
The Blue GaleObtain the scroll of The Furious Wind Technique and perform the technique.
Cast No ShadowObtain the scroll of The Technique of Shadowless Footsteps and perform the technique.
Like a SwallowObtain the scroll of The Flying Swallow Technique and perform the technique.
Need Not a LadderObtain the scroll of The Flying Bird Technique and perform the technique.
Certain DeathObtain the scroll of The Obliteration Technique and perform the technique.
Strong HeartObtain the scroll of The Ultimate Technique and perform the technique.
The Last RitesObtain the scroll of The Technique of Ultimate Guidance and performance the technique.
Cool and CalmObtain the scroll of The Counter Attack Technique and perform the technique.
Running ThroughObtain the scroll of The Technique of Unrivaled Soaring and perform the technique.
Passing the VoidObtain the scroll of The Technique of the Invisible Path and perform the technique.
Izuna DropObtain the scroll of The Izuna Drop Technique and perform the technique.
Throat Cutting WindObtain the scroll of The Guillotine Throw Technique and perform the technique.
Fiery RoarObtain the scroll of The Art of the Inferno and perform the Ninpo.
Ruthless Vacuum WaveObtain the scroll of The Art of the Wind Blades and perform the Ninpo.
Flame Phoenix BlessingsObtain the scroll of The Art of the Flame Phoenix and perform the Ninpo.
Unstable GravityObtain the scroll of The Art of the Piercing Void and perform the Ninpo.
Sky City TokyoComplete Chapter 1
A Captive GoddessComplete Chapter 4
The Lycanthropes’ CastleComplete Chapter 7
Submit, or Die!Complete Chapter 10
The Temple of SacrificeComplete Chapter 13
Trial of the AcolyteClear Hero Play Style or Path of the Acolyte
Awakening of the WarriorClear the game on Path of the Warrior
Beginning of MentoringClear the game on the Path of the Mentor
Step Towards Ninja MasteryClear the game on Path of the Master Ninja
Mark of the NinjaEarn Master Ninka rank in all chapters on Chapter Challenge Difficulty Acolyte
Mark of the WarriorEarn Master Ninka rank in all chapters on Chapter Challenge Difficulty Warrior
Mark of the MentorEarn Master Ninka rank in all chapters on Chapter Challenge Difficulty Mentor
Mark of the Master NinjaEarn Master Ninka rank in all chapters on Chapter Challenge Difficulty Master Ninja
Crystal SkullObtain all Crystal Skulls
Chain of 100 SlashesAchieve a 100-hit combo with any weapon
Dragon NinjaDefeat 1,000 enemies with Hayabusa
KunoichiDefeat 1,000 enemies with Ayane
Dragon Shrine MaidenDefeat 1,000 enemies with Momiji
Fiend HunterDefeat 1,000 enemies with Rachel
The Power of TwoClear all Tag Missions

What do you think of Ninja Gaiden 2 Black so far? Let us know in the comments, or start a thread on the official Insider Gaming community forum!

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One comment

  • They need to rehire Tomonobu Itagaki at Koei Tecmo let that man make them great again! Also this isn’t the same as the OG 360 Ninja Gaiden 2 it’s more like a remake of Sigma 2 and if you really want to play a Ninja Gaiden game start with the OG Black it’s also on Xbox for digital download. Both versions are apparently lost which is why the collection included Sigma not those. Once again why Koei Tecmo needs Itagaki especially for Dead Or Alive!

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