Insider Gaming


Peterbot And Pollo Grab First-Place After Losing Intense 1v1 At Fortnite Globals


Peterbot and Pollo manage to finally grab their first Victory Royale in the Fortnite Global Championship 2024 event.

T3enyy And Chap Win Game 1 At Fortnite Globals


T3enny and Chap take home the Victory Royale in game one during the Fortnite Global Championship 2024 event.

Sommerset And BlakePS Share Their Thoughts Ahead Of Fortnite Globals


BlakePS and Sommerset, two popular Fortnite creators, share their insight and excitement at the Fortnite Global Championship 2024 event.

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 Week 3 Quests Guide 


Refer to this comprehensive guide to learn how to complete all of Fortnite’s Chapter 5 Season 4 Week 0 quests.

XSET Signs Veno Ahead Of Fortnite Globals


XSET has announced their newest Fortnite signing going into Globals.

NASCAR To Partner With Fortnite Ahead Of Globals


Fortnite just teased a partnership with NASCAR right before Globals.