Insider Gaming

Can You Swap Classes in Dungeonborne? – Answered

Dungeonborne is the new hot thing in the extraction genre, following in the wake of Dark and Darker, and it has the community rather torn. It’s like two warring factions going at each other’s throats. But for those of us who just want to enjoy good games, we’re not thinking about the rivalry. We’re thinking about the game’s class system. Can you swap classes in Dungeonborne?

Can You Switch Your Class in Dungeonborne?

When you first start playing Dungeonborne, following the game’s short tutorial section (Which we highly recommend you complete!), you’ll have a chance to choose a class and create a character. You have plenty of options, which we’ve previously covered, but something is sure to stick out like a sore thumb.

Dungeonborne Select Class
Image via Mithril Interactive

Once you pick your class, that character is locked into that specific class. You cannot dual-class or swap classes on that specific character. You can, however, start a new character and choose a different class, so long as you don’t mind starting fresh.

How to Create a New Character in Dungeonborne

To create a new character in Dungeonborne, load into the game until you’re sitting at the main menu, where your character sits atop a chest before a fire. On the bottom of the HUD, you’ll note a handful of choices. One is “Character List,” which is tied to “F1.” Go ahead and either click on that option or hit the associated hotkey.

Dungeonborne Character Select
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

You’ll receive a new menu that looks like the above screenshot. Here, you can view your available character slots and your current characters and create a new class and character using the “+” icon below your current characters.

Once you select that icon, you’ll receive the “Select Class” screen, where you may choose any of the available eight classes to create a new character. It’s a fantastic and simple way to test out different builds and playstyles without wiping your whole account!

Before you dive into Dungeonborne, learn more about the game’s PvP combat. While you’re here, we also highly recommend signing up for the Insider Gaming Newsletter!

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