In this Star Wars Outlaws platinum/achievements guide, we will teach you how to obtain the game’s platinum in the quickest and simplest way possible, guiding you through the main time savers and trophies that may require a bit of grinding.
The game mixes action and adventure elements to deliver one of the best adventures within the Star Wars franchise.
● Difficulty: 3/10 if you play on Easy, 6/10 on Normal
● Estimated time: 30 to 35 hours
● Missable Trophies? No, but there is one bug at the moment.
● Online Trophies? No.
● Distribution of trophies: 50 trophies: 1 platinum, 2 gold, 11 silver, 36 bronze)
● Do you have Free Roam after resetting? Yes.
Star Wars Outlaws Platinum Guide – Warning!!!
On 08/23, the game has several trophies with the counter not registering correctly and with technical problems such as crashes and progression bugs. MAKE SAVES OFTEN!–
Star Wars Outlaws has a reputation system with the four clans; we need to reach the highest reputation level with each. On the first planet, we will have a conflict between two clans – Scarlet Aurora and Pykes. Choose one to maximize and another to leave at the lowest level.
In the meantime, alternate the campaign and specialist missions with the 40 contracts and pay attention to the trophy for robbing people in the cantinas on each planet. This trophy depends on RNG. Another point is that you should always remember combat trophies to save time.
Remember I told you above to choose a faction to leave at the lowest level immediately? Destroy that faction’s capital ship (without losing your shield) and raise its reputation to the maximum.
Outlaws (Platinum)
Unlock all Star Wars Outlaws trophies
The long-awaited platinum.
It Wasn’t Me (Bronze)
Bribe an Imperial Officer to clear Wanted Level 5
To obtain this trophy, you will need to reach Wanted level 5. Invade any Imperial base or guardhouse and keep shooting down stormtroopers until the level rises to 5.
Once you reach level 5, DO NO MORE DAMAGE to the Stormtroopers and start running away. If you keep killing them, your level may rise to 6, preventing this trophy from being obtained. Corrupt Imperial officers will not lower your wanted level if you are at maximum level. An indication of this is that Death Troopers will be sent to hunt you down at the maximum level.
Afterward, you must go to some city and bribe an imperial official. Cities have specific routes for you to go without getting arrested. The easiest planet to get this trophy on is the fourth one – Akiva.
On some planets, the Corrupt Imperial Officer only appears after you collect the clue about him and talk to him. Make sure the Officer is on the icon before trying to get this trophy!
They live up to the name (Silver)
Clear Wanted status by completing a death trooper confrontation event
I recommend you put the game on Easy to obtain this trophy or leave it until you are much better equipped and have an improved blaster.
I unlocked the trophy using the following method:
Stage 1:
I went to an Imperial Station, which has a terminal for us to hack. Once there, I started slaughtering the Stormtroopers until the Wanted level reached its maximum.
You can keep opening and closing the building door to guarantee protection against shots, making this step trivial.
Stage 2:
When your Wanted level reaches its maximum, the Death Troopers event will be triggered. It is marked on the map.
Get ready! The Death Troopers are very strong

(Screenshot: Ruancarlo Silva)
Go to the marked camp, kill the officer, take the card, and use it in the Terminal to clear your Wanted level.
The problem with this stage is that the camp is protected by Death Troopers, who deal with massive damage and have robust protection.
There are very strong weapons in the area where we inserted the card, and I recommend that you collect them to defeat the Death Troopers faster.
Shoot First (Silver)
Defeat 6 enemies simultaneously using Adrenaline Rush
You must unlock the specialist Sheriff Quint on Tatooine to obtain this trophy and learn the Greater Quantity skill. The requirements to learn the skill are these:
● Defeat 4 enemies with a single Adrenaline Shot (Repeat 3x)
● Get 15 headshots
After that, gather 6 enemies and use Adrenaline Discharge. Also, consider equipping the Krayt Dragonfang. The amulet is
No match for a good blaster (Bronze)
Fully upgrade a blaster module configuration
This trophy is calmer than it seems.
The Blaster has three modules: Plasma, Ion, and Energy. Each module has three configurations.
We only need to improve one of the three settings to get the trophy.

Got you something (Bronze)
Collect all Nix Treasures
Nix’s treasures are unique collectibles that are hidden in high places. Go to the areas pointed out below and follow the little creature. She will take you to a hole with each treasure.
There are 15 in total:
Amber Tunnel

Cleaver’s Labyrinth

Wind Cliff

Arboreal Nest

Gushiro Canyon

Liar’s Rest

Kijimi City
Secluded Alley

Dark Cave

Mine Cart

Old Junk Iron

Strange Pillar

Kowakian Lair

Haunted Lair

Temple Ruins

Sodora Falls

Galactic Gourmet
Sample all Galactic Street Food
Mirogana – What Mosskà

Kijimi – Duradan soup

Tatoiine – Mos Eisley – Sketto Chuga

Akiva – Myrra – Travessa de Curado

Good Listener (Bronze)
Listen to the longest sob story in the galaxy
You can get this trophy from the Daruda Cantina in Jaunta’s Hope (Toshara).
An NPC is leaning on the bar; interact with him and select the Snoop option.
Check out the NPC’s photo:

Experience Outranks Everything (Silver)
Complete all Expert Quests
Star Wars Outlaws has nine specialists and eight of them have specific missions that, at the end of them, unlock the character and an ability
● Bram: Automatic
● Selo Rovak: First planet, Toshara – The Mechanic
● Aila Bren: First Planet, Toshara – The Hacker
● Rooster: Kijimi and Tatooine – The Mercenary
● Compulsory: Tatooine. To enable it, you need to complete the questline that starts with the clue “Buying a Turret” – The Hotfixer
● Quint: Tatooine – The Gunslinger
● Country: Akiva – A Elite
● TJ-7: Akiva – Or Veteran
Adventure and Excitement (Silver)
Discover all planet areas
This trophy is more straightforward than it seems. A planet is divided into several regions. Even though I visited all areas of the second and third planets, for some reason, the trophy dropped automatically while I was doing main missions on the fourth planet.
Give me the Good Stuff (Bronze)
Buy an item from a merchant’s VIP stock
This trophy is very simple.
You need to purchase an item from a merchant’s Faction Inventory. Several merchants have items in this inventory, but you will need to improve your reputation with a faction first.
Old School Cool (Silver)
Acquire the Disruptor gear set
The Dissident gear set can be obtained by decrypting Separatist disk data. You gain this ability after completing The Veteran specialist mission, which unlocks MT-7.
Honest Work (Bronze)
Complete 40 contracts
After a few hours of play, you will unlock the Contracts mechanic.
These optional tasks require you to steal from Imperial officers, deliver cargo, etc.
You need to have a good reputation with each union to get contracts. I recommend interspersing this trophy with the campaign so it doesn’t become repetitive.
Use the system to achieve maximum reputation with each syndicate and collect other trophies.
TIP: Prioritize contracts in space; they are the quickest to make.
Cut-throat politics (Bronze)
Reach maximum reputation with the Pyke Syndicate
You will have contact with the Pyke Syndicate on the first planet.
This planet’s main missions place the Pyke Syndicate in conflict with the Scarlet Dawn. Choose which faction you want to support.
After a few hours of play, completing contracts and faction missions to gain additional reputation with the Clan will also be possible.
Data Discs can also be sold in exchange for reputation.
Cloak and Dagger (Bronze)
Reach maximum reputation with Crimson Dawn
You will have contact with the Scarlet Aurora on the first planet.
This planet’s main missions place the Scarlet Dawn in conflict with the Pyke Syndicate. Choose which faction you want to support.
After a few hours of play, completing contracts and faction missions to gain additional reputation with the Clan will also be possible.
Data Discs can also be sold in exchange for reputation.
What you see is what you get (Bronze)
Reach maximum reputation with the Hutt Cartel
You will have contact with the Hutt Cartel when you arrive on the third planet, Tatooine.
You must finish the planet missions with Good reputation. To reach Excellent, complete Contracts for the Hutt and do their syndicate missions.
The Queen’s word is law (Bronze)
Reach maximum reputation with the Ashiga Clan
You will have contact with the Ashiga Clan when you arrive on the second planet, Kijimi.
The main missions on this planet place the Ashiga Clan in conflict with the Scarlet Dawn. I strongly recommend that you prioritize choices that favor the Ashiga Clan.
It is also possible to complete contracts to gain additional reputation with the Clan.
Think I had a choice? (Bronze)
Reach the lowest possible reputation with a faction
In Star Wars Outlaws, reputation levels are divided into Horrible, Bad, Poor, Good, and Excellent.
To get this trophy, you need to reach Horrible reputation. This will be as simple as it seems.
Throughout your journey, you will have to make several choices in the main missions, and in many of these missions, there is conflict between factions.
We have several conflicting choices on the first planet between the Pyke and the Scarlet Dawn. Always choose the same faction; this trophy will drop before you reach the second planet.
Completing contracts against the faction you chose to be hated will also help. After obtaining this trophy, get out of the Horrible reputation as quickly as possible.
It’s mine now (Silver)
Acquire the scoundrel gear set
You must do the complete Jet Kordo quest to get the Swindler gear. The quest appears after progressing through the story.
Stage 1 – Toshara:
With the mission in hand, first, go to the point circled in red and interact with the stone. The reader will start blinking. When it starts flashing, go to the gold dot on the map.

Etapa 2 – Kijimi:
When you arrive in Kijimi, go to this location:

After collecting, completing the clue, and obtaining the holodisk in the Sabbac game, go to the location below and interact with the stone:

After the interaction, go to the following location:

Etapa 3 – Tatooine:
Go to Mos Eisley and collect the clue at the following location:

After that, follow the marker and talk to the two NPCs close to a fuel tank. After that, go to the following location:

Then, go here and interact with the stone:

After that, let’s go here (it’s an iron container):

Stage 4 – Myrrha:
Go to the location below to get the clue and complete it by purchasing the Holodisc from the Suspicious Merchant.

After that, go to the following location and interact with the stone:

Follow the beep to that location and loot the cave:

Return to Myrrh and listen to the two Hutts talking at the following location:

Go to the marked location and steal the holodisk from the Hutt. After that, go to the following place (You will need a speeder capable of traveling on water):

After interacting with the stone, go to the following place. You can only get on it using the ramp to jump the bike:

Stay on Target (Bronze)
Complete your first Intel chain
One of the “side missions” in Star Wars Outlaws is the clues.
The first track chain I completed was the Rejected track in Mirogana. Go to the location below and talk to NPC Lalini Ledeno.

He will say that he only sells to friends. You will need to discover the password. Return to the market, go upstairs and sit on the bar stool, listen to the conversation, and get the password.

Easy pickings (Bronze)
Pickpocket a customer in a cantina on each planet
This is one of two trophies in the game that involve RNG. It would help if you used Nix to rob people inside the cantinas on each planet. The problem? The spawn of people who can be robbed is entirely random.
Whenever you are in a Cantina, Kay’s mobility is reduced. This will be your visual clue to whether you are making the trophy correctly.
Against all odds (Bronze)
Win your first fixed fathier race
This trophy is very easy to obtain.
First, you’ll need to explore the map for clues about the race. I explored the Scarlet Dawn territory in Mirogana to obtain a blaster part for the main campaign.
Next to the container with the part, there was a datapad with the track for the manipulated race. The clue was that the heaviest fathier would win the race.
I went to the betting point and put the money in it. He won, and the trophy fell. I don’t know if it is necessary to collect the clue to get this trophy, therefore, go to Mirogana and bet on the heaviest fathier.
No such thing as luck (Bronze)
Cheat and win a Sabacc game against Lando
Lando is in Myrra, the city of the fourth planet.
When you find him, he will give you a quest. You need to go to the end of the quest line to be able to play Sabacc against him.
After that, do the High Risk Duel mission. Face the Sharks of Sabacc. The duel against Lando appeared a little after defeating the Sheriff. Interestingly, the duel appears as a Clue – Duel with Lando.

When dueling against Lando, use cheats against him. You will already know how the systems work when you get to this duel.
There is no try (Bronze)
Get a high score in an arcade game
This trophy is self-explanatory.
Several arcade games are scattered throughout the world of Star Wars Outlaws. I got it from the Rider minigame, a racing game.
To win the trophy, you must place first on the leaderboard. The minimum time is 01:20:50. During the attempt, you can only lose speed once.
If you lose momentum twice or more, reset and try again.
Right back at you (Bronze)
Defeat 20 enemies using items fetched by Nix
Always pay attention when enemies’ weapons fall to the ground to obtain this trophy.
Order Nix to get them. He will bring the gun to you. Take the weapon and defeat 20 enemies with it.
The trophy is cumulative, but when I got it (08/21), the game wasn’t recording the count correctly. I had to defeat almost twice as many opponents.
How rude! (Bronze)
Blind 30 enemies with Nix attacks
This trophy is very simple.
It would be best if you commanded Nix to attack enemies and wait for the animation to complete. Just repeat the process 30 times. It can be farmed on the same enemy.
Use L1 + X to command Attack. Make sure Nix is attacking and not distracting the opponent.
Punching up (Gold)
Defeat each syndicate’s capital ship without taking hull damage
This is the most challenging and annoying trophy in the game. I recommend you do it AFTER getting the trophy for completing 40 contracts.
The first step is as follows:
● Leave the four unions with a Good or lower reputation
The second step is as follows:
● To pray! Joke. It would help if you went from orbit to orbit to hunt down the ships and dispatch them.
The ship spawns are as follows:
● Toshara’s Orbit – The Scarlet Dawn ship appears right at the starting point of this Orbit (if it doesn’t appear, change orbit and return)
● Kijimi Orbit – The Ashiga ship appears between Nebula Core and Pilot’s End. Keep going in and out of these points to reset the ships’ spawn and speed up the spawning process.
● Tatooine Orbit – The Pyke ship appears on the right side of the Battle Aftermath point.
● You need to destroy the ship WITHOUT TAKING HULL DAMAGE. Avoid any collision, if your ship crashes, it will take automatic hull damage and nullify the trophy.
Ship names:
● Scarlet Aurora: SRX-T Manta
● Pyke: B-84 Viper
● Hutts: SRX-T Manta
● Ashiga: B-84 Viper
Might want to buckle up (Bronze)
Fly into space in a fully upgraded Trailblazer
This trophy is self-explanatory.
Have a max level part in each Trailblazer slot and go to space.
I’ll bet you have (Bronze)
Defeat 20 enemies distracted by Fast-Talk
Firstly, you will need to unlock the Subterfuge skill.
With the ability unlocked, let an enemy detect you with the yellow exclamation. You will see that a quick prompt will appear on the screen, asking you to press the R3 button.
When pressing the R3 button, press the R1 button, causing your blaster to fire a beam projectile, defeating the enemy. Just repeat the process 20 times.
The heavier they fall (Silver)
Defeat a Raider to clear Wanted status
Go to the orbit of a planet and attack Imperial ships until you reach wanted level 6.
When your level reaches 6, the Empire Raider Ship will appear. Just destroy it to get this trophy.

Sometimes I amaze even myself (Bronze)
Defeat an enemy ship after doing a loop maneuver
To unlock this trophy, you must unlock the Rooster specialist and the Ascending Curve skill.
The Ascending Curve skill can only be unlocked after you obtain the skill Loop Maneuver, which requires completion of the following tasks:
● Defeat 6 TIE Interceptors
● Defeat 12 enemy ships
● Complete a space smuggling contract
After that, fulfill the requirements to unlock the skill Ascending Curve:
● Defeat a Gazanti-Class Imperial Cruiser in Space (Wanted Level 6)
● Complete a space security contract
With the skill unlocked, deal a little damage to the enemy and leave him on the verge of being shot down. When he starts chasing you, use L1 + R1 and destroy him.
Never tell me the odds (Bronze)
Defeat an enemy ship without dealing the finishing blow with lasers or missiles
This trophy will take a little work.
You need to destroy an enemy ship by “running” it. The best way to do this is with Freighters—the heavy ships.
Deal enough damage to leave it almost destroyed, and then use the Thruster, running it over.
Into the Darkness (Bronze)
Destroy 10 enemy ships inside the Kijimi Nebula
This trophy is self-explanatory.
In the Kijimi Orbit, you will notice that there are nebulas that closely resemble clouds. Inside this nebula, visibility is terrible.
We need to defeat 10 enemy ships while inside this nebula. A tip to help with this trophy is to reach level 6 of Wanted; this way, several imperial ships will spawn.
When I got this trophy, 08/22, the counter was bugged and I had to destroy almost 20 ships for the trophy to drop. MAKE SURE you are inside the nebula. A good indication of this is that the icon to use the hyperdrive will be red.
Like a Bantha (Bronze)
Perform a perfect landing with the speeder
I got this trophy when I first rode the speeder. On the region’s map, several slopes make the bike “jump.”
Just land with the bike well aligned, and the trophy will pop.
There is a very high chance that you will obtain this trophy automatically.
Galaxy Drift (Bronze)
Perform a 30-second powerslide drift
Get on your Speeder and do the famous “zero”: Hold R2 + L2 and keep the steering lever to the right. Count 40 seconds to be sure and then release.
If you do it correctly, the trophy will drop.
Don’t Get Cocky (Bronze)
Defeat 5 enemies with Adrenaline Rush on the speeder simultaneously
This trophy is very simple.
Gather five enemies on the ground, call the Speeder, get on it, and activate the Adrenaline Discharge, shooting down all five.
Into the Main Frame (Silver)
Slice 10 advanced terminals
Advanced terminals work the same way as regular terminals, except they are more complex.
You can farm this trophy in one of the initial missions on the second planet Kijimi.
During the mission “The Safecracker,” your objective is to “Hack a terminal to find Ark.”
Go to the marked point, hack the terminal, and be detected by the nearby enemy. Repeat the process until the trophy drops.
Slice Like You (Bronze)
Slice 20 terminals
Terminal hacking is a minigame where you must guess the three correct icons in each row.
Pay attention to these tips to learn the minigame:
● Red: there is no symbol in the row
● Yellow: the symbol is in the row but is in the correct position
● Blue: the symbol is in the correct position
Now You See Me, Now You Don’t (Bronze)
Disable an alarm using a security terminal while the alarm is active
This is the first trophy you will obtain in the game.
Right at the start of the campaign, you will receive a mission to steal Sliro. Several guards protect the place. Don’t use the stealth approach.

Disable the alarm (Screenshot: Ruancarlo Silva)
Let the alarm go off, and then use Nix or Kay to deactivate it.
Get Rhythm (Bronze)
Pick 20 locks with the data spike
The lockpicking minigame is rhythmic, meaning you need to press the R2 button in the correct order of the sound.
The game has hundreds of locks so that this trophy will fall naturally.
You can trigger help that adds a visual clue to the minigame, making the process easier.
Made it Somehow (Bronze)
Acquire a blaster, a starship, and a speeder
Automatic history trophy.
Tip the Scale (Bronze)
Complete all main quests on Toshara
Automatic history trophy.
One Job at a Time (Bronze)
Complete all main quests on Kijimi
Automatic history trophy.
Making Friends (Bronze)
Escape from Jabba’s palace
Automatic history trophy.
Rare Friends (Bronze)
Complete all main quests on Tatooine
Automatic history trophy.
Spiked (Bronze)
Liberate the original Super Viper Droid
Automatic history trophy.
Best of the Best (Silver)
Complete all main quests on Akiva
Automatic history trophy.
The Director (Silver)
Learn Sliro’s secret
Automatic history trophy.
Eye on the Score (Silver)
Complete all main quests in Canto Bight
Automatic history trophy.
Calling in Some Favors (Gold)
Destroy the Revelator
Story related trophy.
It’s quite the list of achievements in Star Wars Outlaws, and it’ll take you many tens of hours to unlock every trophy in the game if you want 100% completion. Hopefully, this guide from Insider Gaming will help you achieve your goals!