After first being announced in 2010, STALKER 2 is out now for Xbox Series and PC. And despite more positive reception than negative, there are still technical issues with STALKER 2 that have caused some problems for players.
In a statement on social media, the game’s developers at GSC Game World expressed their joy of the game finally being available to players. That said, they did acknowledge that the game has some “rough edges” that will be worked on as they monitor the feedback of players.
“We understand that in such a game, there may still be rough edges: we literally haven’t released anything of this scale before,” they said. “We’re absolutely committed to being here, monitoring your feedback, and quickly fixing any issues that need our attention.”
GUIDES: Improve Your STALKER 2 Experience
They continued to say that over the next few days, they will be working on various hotfixes for the game and will release them “as precisely as possible” while still being as frequent as they can. After those are out, the focus will move to larger updates for the game.
“There will also be free in-game content — we’ll share its roadmap later in December,” they said. “We have big plans for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe. In a way, today is both a return and the beginning of a grand new journey.”
Insider Gaming’s Grant Taylor-Hill reviewed the game, and says that despite any technical hiccups early on, STALKER 2 is “the cream of the crop, and it’s a bar to which every developer in the genre should aspire to reach.”
Have you had any major issues with STALKER 2 in your early play? Let us know down below, and join the discussion in the official Insider Gaming forums.

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