Insider Gaming

San Andreas VR Project Put On Indefinite Hold By Meta

Meta has finally confirmed that it’s shelving the GTA San Andreas VR project. After months of speculation that have unravelled more than three years after the team announced a VR remake of San Andreas, it has been put on indefinite hold as the company pivots to focus on other projects.

Despite the game having been in development for several years, it has been brought to a sudden and decisive stop by Meta, marking a disappointing confirmation for VR fans everywhere.

‘Grove Street… Home’

I don’t like VR games at the best of times, but I would have played the heck out of GTA San Andreas VR. Imagine it – hopping on a BMX and cycling down into Grove Street, walking around the Johnson house, and performing brutal drive-bys against the opps. It would have been a fantastic way to experience again one of the best games ever made.

In a statement posted to YouTube, the Meta Quest team confirmed:

GTA: San Andreas is on hold indefinitely while we both focus on other projects. We look forward to working with our friends at Rockstar in the future.

That’s it – it’s the end of the era. It was back in 2021 that the Meta Quest team announced it was working on San Andreas VR, but by today, no solid gameplay or even screenshots of the game have surfaced, suggesting they didn’t get too far with the project.

Would you have played a GTA San Andreas VR remake if it had surfaced?

For more Insider Gaming coverage, check out the news that India’s Prime Minister wants the country to make waves in the gaming industry

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