Insider Gaming

Surprising No One, Red Dead Redemption Series Sales Reach Over 92 Million Units

Publisher Take-Two Interactive unveiled sales data for several of its big titles and franchises, including the entire Red Dead Redemption series, as part of its earnings call. You know, we’ve been quite curious about the Red Dead Redemption sales over the years, especially considering the sequel is often called one of the greatest single-player video games of all time. Well, now we know!

According to the earnings report, the entire Red Dead Redemption series has sold more than 92 million units to date. Red Dead Redemption 2, as expected, accounts for the vast majority of series sales, with more than 67 million units sold since launch.

As part of its announcement, Take-Two shared a few stats:

  • Red Dead Redemption 2 is the second best-selling title in the U.S. in the past six years.
  • Red Dead Online launched as a standalone in 2020 but was included with every copy of Red Dead Redemption 2.
  • Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare were re-released on PS4 and Nintendo Switch in August 2023 and PC in October 2024.

Despite these obviously impressive sales numbers, we still have yet to hear about Red Dead Redemption 3. Is it happening? When?!

In the comments below, let us know how badly you want a new RDR. Or, visit our community forum to discuss the franchise, share screenshots of Strawberry, or find a group to play online with!

Along with the sales data for its open-world Western franchise, Take-Two also discussed the release window for Grand Theft Auto 6!

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  • Maybe RDR3 does what GTA6 doesn’t. How far away is the next game? They should do one influenced by what the Confederate really stood for and how the union was evil with a band of rebels fleeing to Brazil post war make t he story their journey.

  • The next game should be inspired by Calamity Jane where she hangs out with the indigenous people and positive gender affiliation since Jane was unsure and many women were trans and lesbian back then.

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