Insider Gaming

PlayStation’s New First-Party Studio Is Called Dark Outlaw Games

PlayStation has a new first-party studio under PlayStation Studios called Dark Outlaw Games. The studio is being led by former Call of Duty Zombies lead Jason Blundell.

The name of the studio was confirmed by Blundell in an interview with Jeff Gerstmann that was published on Monday.

“The studio is called Dark Outlaw,” Blundell said. “We’ve been working away in the shadows for a while, when we’ve got something to talk about we’ll step out into the light.”

As far as the secrecy behind the studio’s creation, Blundell says the story is about the game and not the studio. He added that doing it under the Sony umbrella is a “privilege”.

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“It’s such a privilege to be able to do it with Sony as a new first-party studio, Sony doesn’t start up first-party studios all the time, so to have that privilege is humbling,” Blundell said while adding that the studio is making new hirings for the development of its first game.

Those new hires could be for the unannounced live service multiplayer game that began making the rounds. According to the recent job postings, this new game is still early in its development—that’s even if it’s the same game at all.

Most details surrounding the studio, aside from its name and who’s leading it, remain…dark.

What do you think of Blundell leading a new first-party PlayStation studio, and what do you make of the name Dark Outlaw Games? Let us know down below, and join more discussions in the official Insider Gaming forums.

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  • A live service game? They just don’t get it. This isn’t kind of gamer the PlayStation brand has bred, nah, not when you’re releasing games like: Final Fantasy VII, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Crash Bandicoot, Metal Gear Solid. Later on you’re promoting and have: Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy X, Silent Hill 2, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, and then beyond that you’re really pushing story-driven cinematic gameplay with: Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII, The Last of Us, I could list games to no end. It was XBOX that was pushing the Live Service Game model with Xbox Live. To look for additional excuses to pick the gamers pocket more with corporate greed charging a monthly fee while PlayStation looked for every excuse to back the gamer, to win them over, and appreciate them. Do you see the stark contrast?

    Why is everyone today suddenly pitying Xbox when Microsoft was once upon a time so adamantly hated, despised, and made fun of, even in Futurama? Here, Xbox has been repeatedly been caught trying to screw over their consumers having no clue, and today, suddenly, there’s pity? Maybe the internet make it’s seem like its this huge crowd, when perhaps in actuality it’s this small faction that just barks really loud, posts 20 articles a day, and comments on any section possible. We must not have have zoomed out and seen the people that don’t engage in social media that just don’t care but buy a PlayStation and play on PlayStation, and because they don’t voice their opinion and Xbots have to scream in your face to feel they’re being heard, maybe Xbox is in way more trouble than we really think?

    By, what’s happening here? Why on earth, with all of their analysts and people in the number crunching department, can PlayStation not figure and see that it’s just not happening nor will it happen. My only guess can be that their Board is pressuring them with not making enough money and they’re so much under strain that PLAYSTATION are actually the ones trying to sell a cat to masses that fancy dogs. To do even less work and spend even less money to make the biggest profit possible, they’re trying to brainwash gamers to think they want Live Service Games, but it’s frustrating them because it’s not working. Go to Xbox then, that’s what they want, not what PlayStation gamers have been playing and wanting since the dawn of PlayStation. It’s the only thing that makes sense because when you do read the comments section, it’s always contrary to what PlayStation is saying that its what the fans want. Well, no. You have your mass fans that want to waste all their time with Call of Duty, sure, but that’s where it ends. I see what my friends are playing on PlayStation and it’s all single-player games getting trophies, they’re seldom playing a multiplayer game. Warhammer 40K and Helldivers. Helldivers II was a once in a lifetime hit Sony will never again be able to repeat unless, maybe, they did a compilation that was nothing but Uncharted multiplayer that included remastered versions of the multiplayer games.

    Why Sony won’t remaster M.A.G. is beyond me. 256 players, with a ranking system that’s never before been done? That’s the kind of Live Service Game PlayStation needs. It was short lived on PS3 and ahead of its time. Sony gave up instead of encouraging Zipper to refine it. The idea or premise was genius but by the time I got people interested in it, it was gone.

    Point still remains the same, Live Service isnt what PlayStation gamers are bred to play. This is PlayStation trying to brainwash to change to save money and it’s not gonna happen

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