Insider Gaming

New Madden 25 Title Update Addresses Defense Concerns

A week after its first title update of the season, Madden 25 has received another update to address various defense concerns within the game.

The new update fixes issues with zone coverage, speed boost when using custom stems, and more. You can check out the full notes below, courtesy of EA Sports.

Madden 25 Title Update Details

  • Addressed the issue with Smart Routed Custom Stems resulting in a Speed Boost off the line at the snap
  • Tuning to decrease the effectiveness of a specific QB-rollout speed boost exploit
  • Addressed an issue preventing the Curl Flat zone depth coach adjustment from working properly when set at less than 15 yards
  • Addressed an issue causing Curl Flat defenders to continue to drift away from an eligible receiving threat in close proximity
  • Addressed an issue causing outside Deep Third defenders to get out of position when covering corner routes, or giving up too much cushion vs. corner routes.
  • Addressed an issue in Squads causing the QB control to switch to a teammate at the snap

While it’s not the largest update, it is focused on multiple gameplay fixes on defense that players have expressed frustrations over since Madden 25 launched. More updates will be coming over the next few weeks and months.

What do you think of the new update for Madden 25? For more Insider Gaming, check out the new Nintendo Switch bundles set to launch in Europe.

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Avatar of IronRat64


15 messages 24 likes

Finally, defense was horrible in that game.

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Avatar of Mike Straw
Diamond Medal
Mike Straw

Senior Editor

426 messages 410 likes

Finally, defense was horrible in that game.

It made it pretty much unplayable. I'm looking forward to testing tonight

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Avatar of SoloDolo
Bronze Medal


148 messages 205 likes

I stopped playing until a fix came for defense. Played yesterday and can confirm it’s a lot better. Was finally able to begin my franchise playthrough.

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55 messages 170 likes

EA Sports has released a new title update for Madden 25 that focuses on gameplay, specifically concerns with defense.

Read the full article here...

Thank goodness

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55 messages 170 likes

Finally, defense was horrible in that game.


Reply 3 Likes



58 messages 166 likes

Thank goodness

finally now i can i earn more than 1 yard per kick.

Reply 1 Like



58 messages 166 likes


i. love sportball

Reply 1 Like

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