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When is the Happy Ghast Minecraft Update Coming? Minecraft Ghastling Guide

Mojang has revealed the ghastling, a new creature coming to Minecraft in a future update. It’s an adorable take on the creepy mob that floats around the Nether, and you can bring it back into the Overworld and ride it around as much as you like. There are a few steps to accomplish first, though – but when is the Minecraft ghast update happening to introduce the new mob?

Mojang was quick to point out the benefits of having a happy ghast on your side in Minecraft, as it unlocks a few benefits, such as being able to build from its back in survival mode.

Read on to learn when and how you’ll be able to get a dried ghast and turn it into a ghastling.

How to Get a Dried Ghast in Minecraft

The best expectation we have of when the Minecraft update for the dried ghast is coming is ‘later in 2025’. Mojang said the update is coming later this year, and mentioned that it’ll be available for testing soon. I could imagine it’ll arrive in a summer update.

Mojang has given us the what but not the when or how. We know that the dried ghast (and by association, ghastling and happy ghast) will be added in a future update, but the release date for the ghastling mob hasn’t been confirmed.

Otherwise known as a baby ghast in Minecraft, the happy ghast starts life as a dried ghast, a shrivelled, sad thing living in the Nether. It’s a block, so you’ll need to grab it and bring it back into the Overworld through a Nether Portal, before cheering it up by rehydrating it.

To rehydrate the dried ghast, you’ll need to submerge it in water and leave it there for a few days. It’ll become happier and then eventually, it’ll burst out of the water as a new creature.

At that point, it’ll become a ghastling, which is your ‘baby ghast’. From there, it’ll evolve further into a happy ghast, and you’ll be free to put a harness on it and mount up, flying around the Overworld as you see fit. To get the happy ghast, you have to keep the ghastling happy by cooling it with snowballs and water.

All this information was revealed in the latest Minecraft Live recap.

But when is the happy ghast Minecraft update coming? I’m not sure, but you’ll be able to find out soon if you bookmark this page.

For more new content coming to Minecraft soon, check out what we know about the Vibrant Visuals update

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