Insider Gaming

‘AI Is Coming For All Of Us’: Jennifer Hale Slams Technology Amid Gaming Strikes

Recently, renowned voice actor, Jennifer Hale, spoke out aggressively against the use of AI in the gaming industry. Specifically, she was targeting the growing trend of using AI voice actors in place of human workers, cutting costs, saving time, and ‘using technology to take away our ability to feed our kids’.

Hale is one of the most recognisable voices in gaming, having delivered performances in games like Baldur’s Gate, Mass Effect, Mortal Kombat, The Elder Scrolls, and World of Warcraft, among many others.

‘AI is Just a Tool’

Speaking to Variety, Hale launched a tirade against the use of AI voice actors, which is one of the topics being addressed in the current SAG-AFTRA strikes that have brought the industry to a standstill in many ways:

AI is coming for all of us, because the truth is, AI is just a tool like a hammer. If I take my hammer, I could build you a house. I can also take that same hammer and I can smash your skin and destroy who you are.

If you use something that originated in our body or our voices, can we please get paid? Because now you’re using technology to take away our ability to feed our kids.

This particular line refers to AI replication, which has been an immense and growing concern for high-tier voice actors in the business. Several platforms can copy an actor’s voice and make it say whatever they desire, which has caused countless issues involving scams and misinformation.

The likes of Roger Clark (Red Dead Redemption II) and Ned Luke (GTA 5) have been publically outspoken against AI replication. Recently, I caught up with Doug Cockle (The Witcher) who slammed AI replication as ‘plain and simple theft’.

Do you think voice actors are right to be concerned about the growing use of AI in gaming?

For more Insider Gaming coverage, check out the news that Phil Spencer ‘regrets’ passing on certain games

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