Insider Gaming

How to Upgrade Weapons in Atomfall

Atomfall has a veritable smorgasbord of firearms and melee weapons. But having a potent and upgraded weapon is the key to dealing more damage, being more accurate, and generally making yourself indomitable.

One of the quirky aspects of Atomfall is its selection of weaponry. Yes, you can head straight into combat packing a Shotgun and a Rifle, but you can also ward off threatening incomers with a Police Truncheon of all things. Atomfall doesn’t skimp on the selection of weapons at your disposal, but it doesn’t make it clear how to improve your gear.

Many of the early-game guns you find are classed as Rusty. This is the weakest type of weapon, and we want to make the strongest.

How to Upgrade Weapons in Atomfall

upgrade skills in atomfall
You better get searching and scrounging. Image by Insider Gaming

You need to acquire the Gunsmith Skill—acquired from a Survival Crafting Manual—to unlock the ability to upgrade weapons in Atomfall.

Once you do this, Atomfall‘s Crafting menu gains more options—including the ability to upgrade weapons. But it’s not quite that simple, so let me explain:

  1. Unlock the weapon upgrade process.
  2. Once you have, go to the menu and head to the Crafting section.
  3. You can now see weapon upgrades among any other recipes you have.
  4. You need to have at least two of the same rarity to upgrade it to the next level of rarity.
  5. For example, two Rusty weapons are needed to turn it into a Stock weapon.
  6. You also need certain crafting materials too—so make sure you stock up.
  7. Once you have everything, press to upgrade, and your two weapons become one stronger gun!

Where to Find Weapon Upgrade Crafting Manual in Atomfall

atomfall skills acquired
There you are. Image by Insider Gaming

The Weapon Upgrade Survival Crafting Manual is found in The Interchange’s Data Store Charlie in a locked room.

Here’s a quick outline of how to get the manual in your hands:

  1. Progress through Atomfall until you unlock The Interchange.
  2. Head to Data Store Charlie.
  3. Use an Atomic Battery to power it up.
  4. Head downstairs to the flooded area protected by an electrical current.
  5. Parkour your way across the units in the water.
  6. Climb up to the platform above.
  7. Claim the key from the dead body.
  8. Jump back down and use it to unlock the secure door up the stairs.
  9. Inside this room are various goodies, including Training Stimulants and the Crafting Manual.

All Rarity Types in Atomfall

upgrading weapons explanation in atomfall
It’s easy enough to follow. Image by Insider Gaming

Atomfall has three weapon rarity types: Rusty, Stock, and Pristine.

Unless you find a weapon of Stock or Pristine rarity already, you need to manually upgrade a weapon through each level through upgrades. I also encourage you to repeat this process even if you get a weapon to Pristine, as subsequent weapons can become great bargaining chips for Trading.

You should now know how to upgrade weapons in Atomfall. The game has a ton of options to choose from, so you shouldn’t be short-changed when it comes to your preferred loadout. Let us know if this guide helped you!

For more Atomfall content, check out how to get the Metal Detector and where the Sewer Tunnels key is.

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