If you’ve illegally seized control of a horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and need to sell it, you’ve come to the right place as we’ve become masters of obtaining and offloading wondrous four-legged beauties.
There’s very little you can’t do in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. You can kill Wolves, romance characters, and contract severe cases of food poisoning—I don’t recommend the latter. You can also take someone else’s horse, claim it as your own, and sell it once you’re done.
This is a great way to move around KC2 quickly and make some money in the process.
How to Sell Stolen Horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Find any horse in the game, steal it, ride it to the Nomads’ Camp, west of Zhelejov, during the daytime, speak to Horse handler Mikolai, and sell the horse using the Horse Black Market option.
This is one of those processes where once you’ve done it once, it becomes second nature. To help you do this for the first time, let’s walk you through each stage:
- Advance through Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 until you finish the Laboratores Quest.
- Find any horse in KC2 and steal it by riding off on it.
- Ride dead West from Troskowitz to reach the Nomads’ Camp.
- Use our Troskowitz and Nomads’ Camp images above to help guide you—thanks to Map Genie.
- Again, make sure it’s daytime to ensure Horse handler Mikolai is up and about.
- He should be wandering around the camp—usually near horses—wearing a green fisherman’s hat and white rag-looking clothes.
- Speak to him.
- Select Horse Black Market.
- Now press Sell.
- Choose to Haggle the price if you wish to get more Groschen.
- Confirm the transaction to officially sell a horse!
I think you can only do this once every 24 hours. If you try this with a second horse in quick succession, Horse handler Mikolai rejects the offer. So make sure you use the Wait function to pass the time just in case.
How to Steal a Horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance
Approach a horse in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, and check if the “Mount and Steal” prompt appears in the bottom-right corner of the screen, if it does, press the highlighted button, and ride away.
It’s honestly that simple. However, be warned this can incite action from a town as you are committing a crime. If your getaway isn’t smooth, or the region suspects you, you’re in trouble. Expect to pay off a fine or serve a punishment for your wrongdoings you treacherous thief.
Confess, how many horses have you ended up stealing in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2? Have you made a habit of lurking and looting throughout the various towns in KC2? This is a safe space.
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