Insider Gaming

How to Inspect Any CS2 Skin In-Game

You should always try before you buy, and when it comes to Counter-Strike 2 skins, you should definitely inspect in-game before you purchase. A CS2 pro player claims he “didn’t notice” the stickers spelling out the N-word on a Desert Eagle, and you don’t want that happening to you during a stream.

Whether you’re buying a CS2 skin straight from the Steam marketplace or from one of the dozens of third-party shops, you should take a look before your confirm your purchase.

Before you jump below, consider trying your luck on – you could turn your unwanted skins into something much more valuable (18+ only)

How to Inspect Any CS2 Skin

The Steam marketplace and several of the most prominent CS2 skin trading websites offer the ability to instantly inspect a skin in-game. From a listing on the Steam marketplace, simply click “Inspect in Game…” from an individual skin to inspect the model and any attached stickers. From here, you should have a clear view of the the weapon’s exterior wear and stickers. You can also recreate the first-person inspect animation you’d see in-game, and get exact stats such as wear rating.

Butterfly Knife Gamma Doppler inspect in CS2

If you’re inspecting a skin from a third-party website, most sites should have a button that you can click that lets you inspect in-game. You should have CS2 open already though to make sure the link works properly. If the website doesn’t have an inspect option, it should at least have an option to view the skin through Steam, and you can inspect it from there. If you’re on a site that doesn’t give you any option to inspect the skin at all, you probably shouldn’t buy from there, just to avoid the risk of being scammed.

There’s also servers you can hop into where you can inspect weapons you’re interested in purchasing. lets you generate and customize skins with different stickers, and also provides servers where you can inspect said items. These servers typically have other players in them, so you can share your crafts with them.

Which CS2 skin looks the nicest upon inspection? Let us know in the Insider Gaming forum.

If you want to unlock free daily cases and rewards in CS2, check out (18+ only)

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