Black Ops 6 added the Veteran Perk as part of the Hit List special event, and there are very specific criteria required to gain access to this new loadout possibility. So let us guide you through everything we know about the Veteran Perk.
I love it when new content is added to Call of Duty. Black Ops 6 Season 1 welcomes new guns in the Krig C and Sirin 9mm, a new game mode via Ransack, and it features an interesting event called Hit List.
The Veteran Perk is amongst the plethora of new rewards, and it could change the dynamic (and meta) of Black Ops 6.
How to unlock Veteran Perk in Black Ops 6

The Veteran Perk is unlocked in Black Ops 6 once the player base collectively earns 32 billion Community Eliminations across Black Ops 6, BLOPS 6 Zombies, and Warzone.
The Hit List event spans across all three base game modes in this year’s Call of Duty cycle. However, you don’t need to play all three to unlock the Veteran Perk—it also doesn’t need to be 32 billion eliminations either.
Here’s how the scoring system works:
- One Black Ops 6 multiplayer kill counts as one Elimination.
- Five Black Ops 6 Zombies kills count as one Elimination.
- One Warzone kill counts as five Eliminations.
Once the overall tally reaches 32 billion, the Veteran Perk is automatically unlocked for everyone. As of Nov. 27, the Community Total is already 21 billion, with eight days of the event left.
So, it’s only a matter of time until the Veteran Perk is handed out as a reward to all players. I’ve done my part, have you done yours?
Do we Know what the Veteran Perk does in Black Ops 6?
Amazingly, we still don’t know what the Veteran Perk actually does in Black Ops 6!
The perk hasn’t been data mined, there have been no leaks, and Black Ops 6 is keeping hush-hush about the gameplay modifier. The Hit List advertises Veteran but doesn’t say what it does. I’ve also gone into my loadouts to see if Veteran at least appears, and it doesn’t—giving us no idea what the perk is capable of.
The only thing to do is to grind out Community Kills and meet the event’s requirement to unlock the Veteran Perk.
Do you like incentives such as this to keep you playing in Black Ops 6? Drop a comment to leave some feedback, and read about Tranzit rumors, as well as everything we know about The Replacer.