The legendary Mustang and Sally Pistol combination is back in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies. Akimbo anarchy beckons once you unlock the veritable and violent partnership; we know how to get them, unlock them, and use them in BLOPS 6 Zombies.
Rewind 14 years to Black Ops 1 Zombies. Yes, it’s scary to think how much time has passed, but it only highlights the legacy of Mustang and Sally. These powerful Pistols were the go-to for most Zombies players, and they are back. Black Ops 6 Zombies is a return to form, in many ways, but Mustang & Sally is one example of its attention to detail.
The deadly duo returns with a specific punch in Black Op 6 Zombies, so let’s cut the chat, and get the guns in the palms of your hands ASAP.
How to Unlock Mustang & Sally Pistols in Black Ops 6

You get the Mustang and Sally Pistols in Black Ops 6 by unlocking the GS45 Pistol, leveling up the gun to unlock the Akimbo ability, and Pack-A-Punching the Pistols during a game of Zombies.
This great power does come with responsibility, namely, a bit of work to do. Each step isn’t too hard though, and with a bit of grinding, you can permanently unlock the ability to access Mustang and Sally in BLOPS 6 Zombies.
How to Unlock GS45 Pistols in Black Ops 6
You need to reach Player Level 28 to unlock the GS45 Pistol in Black Ops 6.
Using the fastest ways to level up—as well as Double XP bonuses—you can reach Player Level 28 quicker than you think. The second you see the level-up animation showing the number 28, you’re golden. You can now assign the GS45 to a loadout—and now we need two of them.
How to Unlock GS45 Akimbo Attachment in Black Ops 6
Reach GS45 Weapon Level 31 to gain access to the Akimbo Stock attachment.
Until you hit Weapon Level 31, you can only use a single GS45 Pistol—you can’t have Mustang without Sally, and vice versa! Again, keep playing Black Ops 6, and it’s only a matter of time until Akimbo is yours.
Black Ops 6 has this to say about GS45’s Akimbo mode, “Pack twice the punch with two powerful GS45 Pistols. What this combo lacks in accuracy it more than makes up for in stopping power.”
To recap, here’s a quick step-by-step for simple instructions to unlock Mustang and Sally in BLOPS 6 Zombies:
- Reach Player Level 28.
- Equip the GS45 Pistol to a loadout.
- Use the gun until it reaches Weapon Level 31.
- Now, go to Zombies, and make a loadout with the GS45 Pistol.
- Make sure the Akimbo attachment is equipped via the Stock part of the weapon.
- Go into any Zombies map, earn enough Points to Pack-A-Punch, and use the PAP machine on the GS45.
- Doing so turns the GS45 into its Pack-A-Punch form—AKA Sally & Forth.
You should now have two fast-firing Pistols capable of ejecting exploding bullets. They deal incredible damage, and if you increase their rarity and PAP level, they become even more formidable. All you’ll wanna do is ride around Sally (ride, Sally, ride).
I hope you have fun with Black Ops 6’s reimagining of Mustang and Sally. Let us know how much you enjoy the guns, and before you do this, don’t miss out on PHD Flopper in Citadelle des Morts and Citadelle des Morts’ Swords.