Insider Gaming

How to Download the H2M Call of Duty Mod

Considering how far along the project was in development, it should be no surprise to anyone that, following Activision’s take-down, the entire download of H2M for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered was released worldwide in a large leak. While the studio behind H2M can no longer work on the project legally, nothing is stopping you from downloading the mod and playing it for yourself. Here’s how!

Step-by-Step Instructions to Download the H2M Mod for Call of Duty

First and foremost, before we dive into the more technical steps of downloading the mod, you must own a copy of Modern Warfare Remastered on Steam. It’s no longer on sale, unfortunately, but hopefully, you scooped up a copy at its reduced price point.

Unfortunately, the official website for H2M is no longer available, but you can download the H2M mod here! That link includes the necessary game modification files, and then there’s the server link. It’s a JSON text file that will allow you to connect to live servers to play H2M in Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered. At the time of this writing, these links are tested and safe. That may change, so use your best judgment before downloading and installing the mod.

So far so good, right?

Once you download the game mod, extract the file. It will take some time, so be patient. Once it’s done, open the extracted folder and click into the H2M folder, then select H2M Files. Next, open the Steam directory for Modern Warfare Remastered, which should be located under Steam > SteamApps > Common > Modern Warfare Remastered. Then, drag the contents of H2M Files into the Modern Warfare Remastered directory. If any of the files ask you to replace anything, go ahead and do so.

Now, inside of the H2M file, locate “h2m-20240815T230815Z-001.” Access that, and then drag the H2M-Mod.exe into the Modern Warfare Remastered directory folder alongside everything else. That will allow you to launch the mod instead of MWR.

Lastly, you won’t be able to connect to a server unless you transfer over the JSON text file, which is named “favourites.” Go ahead and drag that file into the “players2” folder under the Modern Warfare Remastered directory.

Now, you can launch the H2M-Mod.exe. When you do, you’ll note the server browser is completely empty, so hit the “Filter Servers” button on the bottom of the HUD. It will automatically populate the server list with available H2M modded servers so that you can play!

Insider Gaming loves the modding community and the ability and freedom to mod our games on PC. We hope far fewer developers take the route that Activision chose this time around.

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One comment

  • Everyone is overlooking an important fact. This is not a Fallout 4 mod. It is a mod for one of the biggest selling games in the world ATM. How, I hear you say? It is the same maps, by and large. It is nearly identical gameplay (if you are a noob). And it is a lot cheaper. Why wouldn’t the publisher sue to shut this down?! Not to mention that their new game is releasing in a month (or two?) which would then be directly competing with a cheaper mod version of, again, a very similar game. C’mon, guys, be real.

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