The Jet Gun is one of the wonder weapons of Black Ops 6. Known to veterans of the franchise, the weapon can suck up zombies, resembling an airplane turbine, and it has a alt fire mode that causes a devastating area attack, ideal for clearing out large hordes of zombies.
In addition to its enormous firepower, the Jet Gun is required to complete the main quest on the Liberty Falls map. There are a few ways to obtain the gun: by being lucky enough for it to appear as loot, by getting it in one shot through the Mystery Box or, the guaranteed way, by building the gun.
In this guide, we’ll teach you how to build the Jet Gun. Don’t worry, the process is very easy.
Crafting the Jet Gun in Black Ops 6
Step 1:
Go to Washington Street and take the water valve from the faucet in front of the flower shop.

Step 2:
Go to the bowling alley. In the lane, on the right-hand side, you’ll see a closed panel. Destroy the panel and place the water valve you picked up in Step 1. Hold down the square button to increase the pressure until the bar is filled.

Ideally, do this between the end of one round and the beginning of another to prevent the zombies from surrounding you. At this stage, it is recommended that you call at least one friend to help you.
When the bar is filled, an item will be dropped. Pick it up.
Step 3:
In the next step, go to the cemetery near the church. You’ll find a zombie gardener wearing a different outfit. He wears a red shirt.

He spawns in random waves, but the spawn location is fixed, so stay in the area until you spot it.
After killing him, he will drop a key to a hut. Go to the hut, which is near the water tank, and pick up the handbrake from the table.

Step 4:
In this stage, we’ll need a Mutant Injection or a Mangler Cannon. You can get the injection from the Liberty Falls Vault, by completing the S.A.M. challenges, dropped by the Mangler or, if you’re level 39 or above, it can be built on the bench for 2500 Scrap.
The cannon is obtained by defeating a Mangler or, if you’re level 20 or above, it can be built on the beach for 1250 Scrap.
Once you have obtained the cannon, go to the Radio House store and load it to destroy the store door. Inside the store, you’ll find piles of garbage that can be cleared by holding down the square button.

When you clear the piles of garbage, you’ll find electrical wires.
Step 5:
Go to the starting location and go to the second floor of the motel. Several zombies will come out of one of the rooms. Enter the room and craft the Jet Gun in the bench.
I hope you enjoyed this guide, and if you want more Black Ops 6 guides and walkthroughs, I encourage you to check out a complete guide on how to get a Ray Gun, plus, learn how to play Zombies in Split-Screen. If this isn’t enough, subscribe to our free, Insider Gaming weekly newsletter.