Warning: This guide contains endgame spoilers. Do not read on if you’re not at the ‘Reckoning’ mission that unfolds towards the very end of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
When you arrive at ‘Reckoning’, you’re incredibly close to finishing Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, but you’ve got a massive hurdle to overcome. This is one of the toughest missions in the entire game, and you’ll be pulling your hair out without this quest guide. On this page, I’ll detail in full how to complete Reckoning in Kingdom Come.
Read on to conquer this challenging quest once and for all.
Where to Find Sam in Reckoning
Here’s a handy map showing you where to find everything you need to beat Reckoning in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2:

When the mission starts, you’ll be at the north of the village after scaling down the walls of Suchdol Fortress. From there, you’ll want to skirt across the road into the bushes and foliage alongside the makeshift walls of Suchdol village.
This mission is nails because of the inherent threat – there are Praguers everywhere and they’re out for your blood. The entire zone is protected by a stop-on-sight rule, and you’re on your own. If you get into a fight, it’s mission over, and you can’t leave until you’ve ticked a few boxes.
First, you’ll want to perform a couple of steps that aren’t indicated by quest markers or tips. Head to the orange circle on the map, located just outside the walls of the village. Here, you’ll find two sets of two guards speaking in hushed towns. Get close enough to eavesdrop and you’ll learn two key points:
- The password to the gate
- The location of a disguise
If you want, you can head straight to the blue circle and open the unlocked box to acquire your disguise, with which you’re able to walk around the village relatively unchallenged.
Now, let’s find Sam in Reckoning.
As you’ve got the disguise, you can waltz straight through to the purple circle, heading up a ladder and into a barn to trigger a cutscene and find Sam.
If you opt to not use a disguise, you’ll need to make sure you’ve got plenty of Saviour Schnapps potions to save regularly.
How to Get von Aulitz in Reckoning
It’s here that you’ll learn that von Aulitz is still alive, leaving it up to you to deal with him and secure one of the game’s exclusive achievements. This sequence is incredibly tough if you haven’t picked up your disguise, but if you have it, you’ll need to walk to the red circle on the map to find von Aulitz’s quarters.
If you’re prompted for the password at the gate, you’ll have it – provided you eavesdropped on the earlier conversation. If not, you’ll need to skirt around the guards and find a back entrance, throwing rocks to lure guards away from the stop-and-search zone.
The door to von Aulitz’s quarters is locked with a Very Hard lock, but the guard sitting by the fire is alone and has the key in his pocket. Once you’ve killed him, you’ll need to hide his body in a nearby room, or pickpocket him and get away without any bloodshed.
Enter the building to deal with von Aulitz.
Where is the Horse in Reckoning?
It’s time to get the hell out of dodge – or Suchdol, in this case.
The horses are kept in the green circle on the map above, and it’s now a case of just walking over to them, picking one, and high-tailing it out of the village. It’s up to you if you want to take Samuel with you – I will be transparent and say that I didn’t take him, so I can’t say for sure what happens if you leave him behind.
Perhaps you’ll find that out for yourself.
That’s everything you need to know how to complete Reckoning in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, the penultimate quest that wraps things up quite nicely.
For more Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 content, find out my breakdown of the game’s post-launch roadmap.