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How to Claim Atomfall Pre-Order Bonuses—How to Get Enhanced or Basic Supply Bundle

Pre-order incentives can help you fight harder in Atomfall’s hostile lands. Rebellion has duly rewarded users for pre-ordering and getting involved early. But if you’re wandering aimlessly, unable to claim your bonuses, you’ve come to the right place.

Take equal parts Fallout, RPG, survival mechanics, and England, and you get the awesomeness of Atomfall. It was one of our most-look-forward-to games of 2025, and we recommend buying it. It turns out other people held faith in Atomfall too. Questions are being directed toward Atomfall’s pre-order bonuses designed to reward early adopters.

If you’re confused about how to claim either the Basic or Enhanced Bundles, we have everything you need to know.

How to Get Atomfall Pre-Order Bonuses

wyndham village in atomfall
Fancy a pint? Credit to Rebellion

Both Atomfall pre-order bonus bundles are obtained in Wyndham Village.

Atomfall has a big map, and one of its distinct biomes—probably the coolest—is Wyndham Village. Very little combat happens here if you’re well-behaved, and it hides many secrets. Crucially, it’s home to both the Basic Supply Bundle and Enhanced Bundle.

They’re not out in the open, and you must work to earn these rewards in Atomfall.

Where to Find Basic Supply Bundle & Enhanced Bundle in Atomfall

basic supply bundle in atomfall
Basic Bundle. Credit to Rebellion

You must chase up two leads once you enter Wyndham Village in Atomfall to hunt down your pre-order bonuses.

This is the official word from Rebellion regarding your exclusive pre-order content: “Enter the Village. You will be prompted by TWO leads. One lead takes you to Alf (who has some of the items) and the other to the Metal Detector Cache (which has the rest).

I’m not sure if your journey is different, by I entered Wyndham Village via the Slatten Dale entrance. I was greeted by a Protocol soldier and exhausted the dialogue options. This is how you go about triggering the leads, aptly leading you to your goodies.

Alf is the owner of the Grendel’s Head pub in the middle of Wyndham Village—and he’s also a merchant. We also have a complete Metal Detector guide and how to find it, if you haven’t already, which helps you find the other cache.

Everything Included in Basic Supply Bundle & Enhanced Bundle Pre-Order Bonuses

enhanced supply bundle in atomfall
Enhanced Bundle. Credit to Rebellion

The Basic Supply bundle features skins, recipes, and other loot, whereas the Enhanced Bundle includes more variants, skins, and a special Skill Manual.

Remember, to get the Enhanced Bundle content, you need to have pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe edition. Whichever edition you have, here’s a quick look at all the content.

Type of BundleAtomfall EditionPre-Order Bonus
Basic Supply BundleStandardExclusive Melee Weapon Variant
Basic Supply BundleStandardItem Recipe
Basic Supply BundleStandardLoot Cache
Enhanced BundleStandard / DeluxeExclusive Pistol Variant
Enhanced BundleStandard / DeluxeMetal Detector Skin
Enhanced BundleStandard / DeluxeSkill Manual

Do you think pre-order bonuses should be delivered to you from the first seconds of the game? Or do you prefer having to go on a mini quest to earn them? Let us know, and once you’ve done this, we have more Atomfall guides to read: How to open Sewer Tunnels and how to upgrade weapons.

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