Insider Gaming

How to Play With Friends in Dungeonborne

Dungeonborne, like Dark and Darker, proves rather challenging. It’s a game that rewards methodical approaches, competency with its combat and mechanics, and group play. If you want to survive the dungeons, play with a party. Here is how to play with friends in Dungeonborne!

How to Invite Friends to Play in Dungeonborne

You can play with friends in Dungeonborne by selecting the “+” icon from the bottom right of the HUD while on the main menu. From here, you’ll receive a new screen that looks like this:

Dungeonborne Invite Party
Screenshot by Insider Gaming

Now, select the “+” below your name and character on the left, and then invite your teammates using their player ID or player name. It’s easier to use their name, though.

Once you send out an invite, a ping will notify the other player, and they may choose to ignore your invite or join your party.

You may currently play with up to three people in a single group in Dungeonborne. It’s obviously an odd number, but playing with a partner or two increases your chances of survival exponentially!

Can You Play Dungeonborne Solo?

You can absolutely play Dungeonborne solo, should you choose to take on the challenge. Instead of inviting anyone to join your group, select your dungeon and then press “Start” from the main menu to begin searching for a match.

If you’re solo in the party, the game will not pair you with anyone else. You will be at a distinct disadvantage against parties of players that will load into the same match as you. As such, you’ll want to play more carefully, a little stealthier than usual.

Before you hop into a new dungeon, learn more about the microtransactions in Dungeonborne. And don’t forget to sign up for the Insider Gaming Newsletter!

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