Origins once again asks you to command an army and dominate the battlefield. You need to do this over many hours of gameplay, and Dynasty Warriors Origins has a few chapters to overcome—along with thousands of enemies.
Dynasty Warriors Origins is another exercise in hacking and slashing until it can be done no more. Moving from one arena to another, mercilessly chopping down hundreds of opposing forces. Developer Omega Force has done a good job with Origins as it’s currently the highest-rated Dynasty Warriors game in history!
A refreshing overhaul of gameplay mechanics, a deeper story, lots of fun achievements, and some of the most spectacular combat to date make Origins a strong entry. If you’re wondering how much action there is, let’s check out every chapter in Dynasty Warriors Origins and how long the game is.
How Many Dynasty Warriors Origins Chapters Are There?

There are five Chapters for each of Dynasty Warriors Origins’ campaigns.
The chapters themselves aren’t named, the dev choosing to stick to generic numbers instead. Origins‘ longevity comes from multiple playthroughs required to see and complete every mission. This is because you eventually come to a crossroads in the main campaign.
Two of the five chapters are shared across the three campaigns, and you’re forced to choose your side in Chapter 3—leaving certain stones untouched until another journey through the conquest.
How Many Missions in Dynasty Warriors Origins?
There are 70 main story missions and 48 side missions in total if you replay Dynasty Warriors Origins multiple times and take sides with different factions at the point of no return.
This is where we get to see a true test of your mettle. It’s a lot of content and requires many hours, but doing so is your best way of seeing all Origins has to offer.
How Long is Dynasty Warriors Origins?
Your initial Dynasty Warriors Origins playthrough should take around 20-40 hours.
You’ll likely wander off the beaten path because of how much side content there is. But based on Omega Force’s comments, and the consensus around Origins, this is a solid figure for your first playthrough. However, as I’ve said, there are well over 100 missions to complete, a ton of special weapons and items to find, and powerful abilities to unlock.
Completionists are looking at well over 100 hours of epic Dynasty Warriors Origins content to see and do!
We are not done with our Origins guides yet: Check out if the action title has any multiplayer or co-op content, and how to get Dramatic Success.
How likely are you to go to the ends of the Earth to see every piece of Dynasty Warriors Origins content? Is there anything missing you hope is either added in an update?