When you first spawn on the beach in Duckside, you have a few basic blueprints to your name. It’s enough to craft the essentials, like a few key crafting materials like rope and early-game weaponry, such as a wooden club and makeshift bow. It’s not enough to go toe-to-toe with some people already roaming the map, though. They rock assault rifles. You have a chunk of wood. Here’s how to get better blueprints in Duckside!
Where to Get Blueprints in Duckside
There are a few ways to acquire blueprints in Duckside. They all cost money or, in this case, feathers—Duckside’s in-game currency. You can buy blueprints from the Merchant, which is marked on your map, though it’s a good distance away, and various points of interest on the map will have a vending machine that sells a small handful of blueprints.

You won’t find these points of interest marked on the map, though. If you look at the screenshot above, you’ll note my position in the bottom right on the medium-sized island to the right of the merchant. There’s a watch tower here with a vending machine upstairs that sells five blueprints, on average, at any given time.
Related: How to Scrap Resources in Duckside
What Blueprints to Buy First in Duckside

Duckside features a large number of blueprints, most of which revolve around weapons and armor, base building, and items like traps and equipment. I recommend you spend your hard-earned feathers buying base-building components, such as more secure doors, then focus on weapons and armor. You’ll especially want something like the Tactical Body Armor, which will help you remain alive during a close-quarters fight with other ducks. After that, focus on trap items and other equipment, but they’re not your priority!
Once you have a selection of blueprints, learn how to craft weapons in Duckside to ensure you can stand up for yourself in a fight against the rest of the flock! If you enjoy survival crafting games, come let us know on the Insider Gaming community forums!