Your first time through Leisure Park is, well, certainly not leisurely. Traveling from Paradise Plaza to the Food Court, you’ll face hordes of zombies roaming in small packs. But it’s nothing compared to what’s to come. Shortly after that, you’ll come face to face with the prisoners in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. A group of escaped convicts commandeered a military vehicle with a heavy machine gun on the back, and they aim to create chaos. Here’s to how to handle the situation!
How to Beat the Prisoners in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
On your first day in the Willamette Mall, specifically in the evening, you’ll enter Leisure Park to find a group of prisoners terrorizing survivors from within a jeep. A machine gun is on the back of said jeep, so be wary of remaining in the open for too long. Alongside ramming through crowds of zombies and Frank, the convicts will turn said gun on you and unload bursts of gunfire. You’ll end up like this:

To avoid an untimely death, here are a few ways to beat the prisoners in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster:
- If you can score a Sniper Rifle by dealing with the Hall Family at the Entrance Plaza, you can shoot the convicts from afar without putting yourself at risk.
- One of the attacks the prisoners enjoy using is to ram survivors with the jeep, so bait them into the nearby copse of trees and try to force them to ram one or more of the trees. When they stop, run up and hit them repeatedly with a fast-swinging melee weapon, like the Katana or Chainsaw.
- It’s a bit of a cheese tactic, but if you bait the jeep toward one of the park benches, there’s a chance they ram into it and become stuck on top. You can put them down from there with anything you have, but be wary of the jeep becoming unstuck and running you over.
Related: How to Beat the Supermarket Manager in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
Can You Take the Prisoner’s Vehicle in Dead Rising?
You can! There’s even an achievement—Carjacker—tied to stealing the convicts’ vehicle in Leisure Park. However you can’t drive it out of the park, but it’s an excellent way to traverse the area, mowing down zombies with reckless abandon. I don’t know about you, but I’ll take a military vehicle with a machine gun over walking through hordes of zombies any day!
If you want a chance at stopping the convicts, you must pack an arsenal of weapons in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster to help put them down once and for all! If you have tips on dealing with the convicts, let us know by posting in the community forums!