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What are your hopes for the new single player campaign?


As the title suggest, what do you hope to get from the single player campaign in the new Battlefield? Something like 3 and 4 where the tone is serious and there's a lot of spectacle?

Bad Company vibes, where there's a bit more humour in the story/gameplay?

Or have several missions and different factions like 1 and V?

Personally I liked BF3 the most. You played a large portion of the game with Blackburn and have some missions as someone else, like the tank mission and skydive.
I am really wanting the campaign to really sell me on the massive conflict style that Battlefield prides its MP on. Small stories like we had in 1 and V are great, with maybe them all leading to a big finale, but I want the missions to take place IN the battle.

Lots of infantry and vehicles, destruction and stuff. Like the older CoD campaigns used to do!