NZXT Responds To Claims Its Flex Subscription Is A Sc*m


Am I completely blind to how this is a scam? You rent a computer. You don't own the computer. The parts change over time.

This is a classic business model. This is not meant for enthusiasts (albeit nothing about NZXT is). I can probably think of a half dozen or so people who are not price sensitive who'd gladly pay $250 bucks a month for the most "top of the line" system available at any given time.
It's because of the advertising (it had content creators advertising it as you "owning" the PC) and made it seem like a Rent-to-own model. Also, there were issues with subscriptions being pushed through without age or identity verification. It also says that NZXT can use your information for whatever purposes they see fit. That's just a few of the major red flags with it.