NateTheHate: Fable will release on PS5 in 2026, speculates it's the reason for the delay



Grubb said a big Xbox game slipped into 2026, people were like "Oh its probably Gears: E-Day, Fable is not getting delayed guys" when there was nothing to indicate Fable was ready based on every showing. IJ actually had real gameplay when it was shown

And when that was said in Dec... Fable was still on track for 2025. The only indication Gears E-Day is 2025 is historic trends of Gears games being announced one year in advance of release and Tom W saying in June that Gears had 2025 release as a possibility.

If I had to speculate as to why Fable was delayed: it's to allow some extra time for polish & to make the PS5 version a Day 1 release alongside Xbox/PC because the PS5 version was always slated for 2026.