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GTA VI Post-Release Speculation


Much noise has been made about the GTA VI development process, and how Rockstar executives allegedly decided to scale back some of their initial ambitions around the game at launch in order to avoid crunch, and instead focus on providing support and updates post-launch to flesh the game out with additional content, something which clearly worked with GTA Online.

What do you think this episodic content might look like? What are you hoping for?
I'm hoping for a fully finished base SP story that adds on from there - different routes for different characters, winding arcs maybe dependent on the ending you got, etc. Build the story in a way that leaves it plenty open-ended for episodic releases, just please give us a technically finished game on launch lol.
Interesting idea, I wonder how a finished story that's open for episodic content might work - I'd imagine you would play as supporting characters and not Jason and Lucia, à la TLAD and TBoGT from GTA IV
I hope that there will be some SP DLC stuff and not them just focusing on the Online mode of GTA VI :/
I hope so too but Rockstar's last 2 games were not very encouraging in that respect :/ I think our best hope is SP updates (new areas and missions) that also translate into added content for the online mode
I hope so too but Rockstar's last 2 games were not very encouraging in that respect :/ I think our best hope is SP updates (new areas and missions) that also translate into added content for the online mode
Ahh I see... Well yes that at least... Just anything that's more than what GTA V got at least.
It's always buffling to me why they updated the online part of GTAV only when they can do both with its single player component.

I hope they don't do this with GTAVI & make it all content for everyone offline & on.
It's always buffling to me why they updated the online part of GTAV only when they can do both with its single player component.

I hope they don't do this with GTAVI & make it all content for everyone offline & on.
I suppose single player work went straight to GTA VI after V's release; they didn't expect Online to be as successful as it has, so they put even more people on it, mechanically taking resources away from development on GTA VI. So there just wasn't that much manpower left to work on additional single player content for V.
I suppose single player work went straight to GTA VI after V's release; they didn't expect Online to be as successful as it has, so they put even more people on it, mechanically taking resources away from development on GTA VI. So there just wasn't that much manpower left to work on additional single player content for V.
That make sense dude.

At the same if other devs with limited resources such as Elden Ring, Tsushima, etc can do both, why can't Rockstar with their unlimited resources right?

They did it with GTAIV if I'm not mistaken. To me that's why I never got to finish GTAV that's why it's still in my backlog I just felt betrayed lol
That make sense dude.

At the same if other devs with limited resources such as Elden Ring, Tsushima, etc can do both, why can't Rockstar with their unlimited resources right?

They did it with GTAIV if I'm not mistaken. To me that's why I never got to finish GTAV that's why it's still in my backlog I just felt betrayed lol
It's definitely upsetting, and to be clear they were definitely able to but simply chose not to - perhaps laziness, perhaps lack of respect for the fans, perhaps fear of getting bloated?

I think the prevailing feeling among fans is that additional SP content for GTA VI would be most welcome - let's hope Rockstar will listen and Take-Two and its shareholders aren't pulling the strings even more than we already know them to be.