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Hogwarts Legacy 2 In Production At Warner Bros. Games

Mike Straw

Senior Editor
Staff member
According to a new report, Hogwarts Legacy 2 is in production at Warner Bros. Games, and is a big priority for the company.

Read the full article here...

"Haddad says the games team has been coordinating some of the big-picture storytelling elements in the “Hogwarts Legacy” sequel with the storylines that will play out in the “Harry Potter” HBO series coming from Warner Bros. Television."

From the Variety article found here: https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/harry-potter-franchise-future-tv-series-video-games-1236201249/

Isn't the TV show a "remake" of the film adaptation? How will they be able to assimilate what will probably be 15 years of TV show into a game? Please WB, don't tell me you've just seen Hogwarts Legacy sell 30m+, suicide squad fall flat on its face and come to the conclusion to make Hogwarts Legacy 2 live service with an expectation of 1 and a half decades of life...
Don't give two craps about Harry Potter, have never watched any of the movies or read any of the books and never will but Hogwarts Legacy was freaking great!! Hyped for the sequel!!! Let's go!!
Don't give two craps about Harry Potter, have never watched any of the movies or read any of the books and never will but Hogwarts Legacy was freaking great!! Hyped for the sequel!!! Let's go!!
A true sequel will no doubt be another wicked game. Trying to follow storylines that won't finish until 2040 doesn't spark confidence though 😅
A true sequel will no doubt be another wicked game. Trying to follow storylines that won't finish until 2040 doesn't spark confidence though 😅

Tying it to the TV show is stupid. Should be it's own story and whatnot but release around the Harry Potter TV show because it would boost the numbers which has happened for TLOU, The Witcher III, Cyberpunk 2077 and Fallout 4/76.