Ubisoft Management To Blame For Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Sales Issues, Baldur’s Gate 3 Exec Says

Mike Straw

Senior Editor
Staff member
An executive at Baldur's Gate 3 studio Larian has said that it's because of Ubisoft itself that Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown sold poorly.

Read the full article here...

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown really deserved better.

- Ubi fumbled the announcement with how badly they fumbled Sands of Time, with many people expecting a 3D action / adventure PoP game. Not a 2D Metroidvania PoP game.
- They kept it off Steam because they want to make all the money from each purchase made. (Better to say no to the sale altgoether, than to just make a lil less on each sale. Makes sense...)
- They priced it stupidly high for what it is. Ubisoft out here seeing Nintendo release Metroid Dread at £40 and being like "We can do it too!" Meanwhile Blasphemous 2 launched months earlier for like £10 - £15 less.
- Their constant low quality and low effort games had started to wear people down. No one trusts them to deliver anymore. And because whenever a game comes out and doesn't perform they put it on deep discount less than 4 months after launch, people have been conditioned to not buy on launch.

Had this game launched on Steam and been £25 - £30 at launch and not expected to sell millions in the first few weeks this could've had legs as its own sub-series. Instead this will likely be the last time we see this kind of game from them.