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Is scalping a pricing issue?


Just like the title said, I'm curious to hear different perspectives on this. Obviously as a costumer you don't wanna pay 1200 bucks for a ps5 but peopel buying the console at that price show that 499 isn't the consoles real price.
It's kind of a open-ended/loaded question, but at its base, scalping, to me, is a FOMO issue. People want to always make sure that they have the latest and greatest immediately, that they're willing to be irresponsible with their money in order to get it. From consoles to even concert tickets, everyone is so desperate to be a part of something that they'll make really bad decisions
Supply and demand. If people stopped buying from scalpers then it would go away. People, not just in gaming, know they can have an outlay of X amount and over a short period of time can recover than plus more.

It wont go away, and if people have that money sitting there to spend who am I to judge it.