Insider Gaming

Fortnite Building is Coming to Apex Legends Season 15 (And a new map)

It isn’t a lie, Fortnite building is somewhat coming to Apex Legends as a part of Season 15.

It’s understood that the Apex Legends’ Season 15 Legend will be called Catalyst and use ferrofluid as a part of her abilities. The information was originally leaked in March 2022, which you can see in the video below. However, Insider Gaming sources have implied that the legend is scheduled for Season 15.

Apex Legends Catalyst’s ferrofluid allows her to build structures; somewhat similar to how you can in Fortnite.

Passive – Reinforce; allows the player to increase the health of destructible objects like doors, allowing the objects to take significantly more damage before being destroyed.

Tactical – Ferro Shot; allows the player to create ramps, ledges, and walls. These objects can be destroyed by enemy players.

Ultimate – Iron Tower; allows the player to boost vertically in the air with a pillar of ferrofluid.

As I previously reported on Twitter, Apex Legends Season 15 will be called “Eclipse” and launch on November 1st, 2022. The name of the season reflects recent rumors of the new map coming to Apex Legends called “Divided Moon” that was datamined.

Although datamines are a great source of information, Insider Gaming also independently verified that the new map in development is called Divided Moon and will be Apex Legends’ new map offering for this year. One source said that Apex Legends’ new map will “play with gravity” this time around and it’s been “great fun” for the Respawn team to play around with.

For more Insider Gaming news, check out the huge GTA 6 leak in which images, video, and code were leaked online.

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