Insider Gaming

When Does Fasnacht Day Start in Fallout 76? – 2025 Schedule

Fallout 76 is no stranger to public events that bring the community together to nuke each other, and Fasnacht Day is the epitome of the open-world multiplayer game. It’s a spectacle filled with strange quests, weird masks, and that one player attempting to troll everyone else. It’s fun, right? Yeah, it definitely is.

When is Fasnacht in Fallout 76?

The current Fasnacht Day schedule for Fallout 76 in 2025 is as follows:

February 18, 2025March 3, 2025

If Bethesda intends to host a second event this year, as it did in 2024, we’ll update this piece with another date as soon as we have it!

What is Fasnacht Day?

Fasnacht Day, in the Fallout 76 universe, is a seasonal public event that typically occurs twice yearly, in the spring and summer, and offers various unique rewards, like rare masks and crafting plans, to those who participate in the quest. It takes place in Helvetia, where you’ll meet the Master of Ceremonies at the top of every hour. Once there, you must exterminate honey beasts, donate beeswax and intestines, protect the Protectrons, decorate the bar, pile wood, and collect steins, to name but a few objectives.

What Rewards Does Fasnacht Day Offer in 2025?

Currently, we only know that Fasnacht Day will offer the following rewards for participation and completing the quest stages:

  • Fasnacht Plan/Recipe
  • Fasnacht Default Rewards
  • Fasnacht Rare Mask

We’ll likely see a few new rare masks added to the mix this year, especially with the recent bout of new players joining the fray in Appalachia. Bethesda wants to keep everyone coming back for more all year long!

What’s your favorite part of Fasnacht Day in Fallout 76? Let us know in the comments, or visit the Insider Gaming community forum to share screenshots and stories from your trip through Appalachia!

Just last year, Fallout 76 managed to pull in more than four million new players, making it an astounding success for Bethesda!

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