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Everything We Learned From The New Battlefield Game Footage

It might have only been a few seconds of pre-alpha footage, but Electronic Arts has finally blessed Battlefield fans worldwide with a snippet of the game that’s currently in development. Dubbed ‘Battlefield 6’ by the community, the impending release will reflect the work of several top-tier studios – and it could represent a turning point for the series.

Sit back and relax as we take a walk through those opening seconds of footage of the new Battlefield title and see what we can learn. The full video below contains said footage – you’ll need to scroll through to the 04:40 minute mark if you want to jump straight into the content.

Battlefield 6 Revealed (Kind of)

The pre-alpha reveal of Battlefield 6 (if that’s what it’s called) has fans already singing the game’s praises on social media. It looks phenomenal at first blush, and following the abysmal release of Battlefield 2042, it could be a return to form for the epic-scale shooter.

Here’s the full video:

Now, let’s dive into everything we spotted in this pre-alpha footage.

Where is the new Battlefield game set?

In the pre-alpha gameplay clip, we see a Middle Eastern map. This can be identified by the architecture and the trees, but also by the signs and storefronts that show Arabic-styled lettering. This is a typical theatre of war for Battlefield games, particularly the more modern titles like Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4.

Note the Arabic-styled lettering, palm trees, and typical ‘sandy environment’

Who is the enemy in the new Battlefield game?

We don’t get much of a look at the enemy, but they look like trained, well-armed soldiers. They appear to be armoured and are dressed similarly to the friendly soldiers fighting alongside the player character. We don’t hear them speak, so it’s almost impossible to say where the enemy hails from in this game.

What we do know is that the player’s faction is American, given the voices, the armaments, and the tank that can be seen in the video.

Update 04/02: Some eagle-eyed users have noticed some British helmets, pouches, and webbing, and one voice sounds like it could also be British.

In most shots, the enemies are wearing yellowy/tan outfits

Is there destruction in this new Battlefield game?

There’s plenty of destruction shown in the new pre-alpha footage for the next Battlefield game – potentially Battlefield 6.

In one shot, we see the player character fire an RPG at a building, resulting in an impressive explosion and shockwave that blasts the front of the building away. As the clip cuts, it looks as though the entire building collapses in two, which could be an indication that we’re going to be able to destroy entire structures once again.

Now that’s destruction

Will the next Battlefield game have a class system or customisation?

In another segment of the Battlefield gameplay clip, we can see that there are plenty of soldiers in the battle, but there isn’t much variation between them. We do see one trooper running around in what appears to be a half ‘ghillie’ suit, which could suggest he’s a recon-style character or that he has been customised.

It’s worth noting that he’s not wielding any kind of sniper or marksman rifle, though. Except for the RPG at the end of the clip, the only weapon seen in action seems to be some kind of M4 assault rifle – but perhaps a weapons nerd can clarify that for me.

Does Ghillie = Recon?

Is the new Battlefield game a sequel?

If I had to place this after an existing Battlefield game, I might align it closely with Battlefield 3. The story in that game wrapped up quite nicely, but this could easily be an extension of that game. Bad Company was also set in a region similar to the one shown in the trailer, so it could very well be an extension of that.

However, given that this has been dubbed a ‘reimagination of the series‘, I doubt it’ll be a direct sequel to any game, and instead, it’s most likely using the most popular elements from the best-selling games in the series to produce something with a higher chance of succeeding.

One thing that’s undoubtedly ‘Battlefield’ is the soundtrack featured in the trailer. It’s the iconic, pulsing sequence that we’ve heard in every Battlefield game for more than a decade, and the edgy, distortion-fuelled notes are reminiscent of Battlefield 4.

It’s hard to place this one.

Of course, I must offer a disclaimer of sorts. This is pre-alpha footage, and it’s almost guaranteed to change as the game continues to be developed by the gaggle of EA studios. It might look and behave nothing like this when the next trailer is released.

Let us know on the Insider Gaming forum what you’ve spotted in the trailer.

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