The entire Space-Time Smackdown Card Set for Pokémon TCG Pocket is out in the wild. It’s extensive, and exciting, and introduces hundreds of new cards into the ever-growing Pokémon TCG Pocket collection. Check out everything you need to know about the fabulous A2 Set.
Space-Time Smackdown is a hard-hitting name that reminds me of the WWE. It’s larger-than-life personalities clashing in an arena, and Pokémon TCG Pocket’s A2 set delivers more heavyweight encounters.
Let’s take you through every Space-Time Smackdown card and their rarities.
How Many Cards in Space-Time Smackdown Set in Pokémon TCG Pocket?

There is a whopping 207 Cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket’s Space-Time Smackdown A2 Set!
For comparison, the Genetic Apex A1 set has 286 Cards, and the Mythical Island A1a mini-set has 86. This puts the Space-Time Smackdown expansion somewhere in the middle.
Genetic Apex needed to launch with a ton of cards as it was the first set and debut content. There’s a good chance every subsequent set never hits the heights of 286 new cards. With so many cards to stay on top of and further expansions planned, adding nearly 300 cards could cause players to fall behind.
All Space-Time Smackdown Set A2 Cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket
Here’s every card in the Space-Time Smackdown A2 Set, with card numbers, names, types, and rarities included. A big thanks to Pokémon Zone for discovering the full nature of Set A2.
Card Name | Set Number | Type | Rarity |
Oddish | 1/155 | Grass | One-Diamond |
Gloom | 2/155 | Grass | One-Diamond |
Bellossom | 3/155 | Grass | Two-Diamond |
Tangela | 4/155 | Grass | One-Diamond |
Tangrowth | 5/155 | Grass | Two-Diamond |
Yanma | 6/155 | Grass | One-Diamond |
Yanmega ex | 7/155 | Grass | Four-Diamond |
Roselia | 8/155 | Grass | One-Diamond |
Roserade | 9/155 | Grass | Two-Diamond |
Turtwig | 10/155 | Grass | One-Diamond |
Grotle | 11/155 | Grass | Two-Diamond |
Torterra | 12/155 | Grass | Three-Diamond |
Kricketot | 13/155 | Grass | One-Diamond |
Kricketune | 14/155 | Grass | One-Diamond |
Burmy | 15/155 | Grass | One-Diamond |
Wormadam | 16/155 | Grass | One-Diamond |
Combee | 17/155 | Grass | One-Diamond |
Vespiquen | 18/155 | Grass | Two-Diamond |
Carnivine | 19/155 | Grass | Two-Diamond |
Leafeon | 20/155 | Grass | Three-Diamond |
Mow Rotom | 21/155 | Grass | One-Diamond |
Shaymin | 22/155 | Grass | Three-Diamond |
Magmar | 23/155 | Fire | One-Diamond |
Magmortar | 24/155 | Fire | Three-Diamond |
Slugma | 25/155 | Fire | One-Diamond |
Magcargo | 26/155 | Fire | Two-Diamond |
Chimchar | 27/155 | Fire | One-Diamond |
Monferno | 28/155 | Fire | Two-Diamond |
Infernape ex | 29/155 | Fire | Four-Diamond |
Heat Rotom | 30/155 | Fire | One-Diamond |
Swinub | 31/155 | Water | One-Diamond |
Piloswine | 32/155 | Water | Two-Diamond |
Mamoswine | 33/155 | Water | Three-Diamond |
Regice | 34/155 | Water | Two-Diamond |
Piplup | 35/155 | Water | One-Diamond |
Prinplup | 36/155 | Water | Two-Diamond |
Empoleon | 37/155 | Water | Three-Diamond |
Buizel | 38/155 | Water | One-Diamond |
Floatzel | 39/155 | Water | Two-Diamond |
Shellos | 40/155 | Water | One-Diamond |
Gastrodon | 41/155 | Water | Two-Diamond |
Finneon | 42/155 | Water | One-Diamond |
Lumineon | 43/155 | Water | Two-Diamond |
Snover | 44/155 | Water | One-Diamond |
Abomasnow | 45/155 | Water | Two-Diamond |
Glaceon | 46/155 | Water | Three-Diamond |
Wash Rotom | 47/155 | Water | One-Diamond |
Frost Rotom | 48/155 | Water | One-Diamond |
Palkia ex | 49/155 | Water | Four-Diamond |
Manaphy | 50/155 | Water | Two-Diamond |
Magnemite | 51/155 | Electric | One-Diamond |
Magneton | 52/155 | Electric | Two-Diamond |
Magnezone | 53/155 | Electric | Three-Diamond |
Voltorb | 54/155 | Electric | One-Diamond |
Electrode | 55/155 | Electric | Two-Diamond |
Electabuzz | 56/155 | Electric | One-Diamond |
Electivire | 57/155 | Electric | Two-Diamond |
Shinx | 58/155 | Electric | One-Diamond |
Luxio | 59/155 | Electric | Two-Diamond |
Luxray | 60/155 | Electric | Three-Diamond |
Pachirisu ex | 61/155 | Electric | Four-Diamond |
Rotom | 62/155 | Electric | One-Diamond |
Togepi | 63/155 | Psychic | One-Diamond |
Togetic | 64/155 | Psychic | Two-Diamond |
Togekiss | 65/155 | Psychic | Three-Diamond |
Misdreavus | 66/155 | Psychic | One-Diamond |
Mismagius ex | 67/155 | Psychic | Four-Diamond |
Ralts | 68/155 | Psychic | One-Diamond |
Kirlia | 69/155 | Psychic | One-Diamond |
Duskull | 70/155 | Psychic | One-Diamond |
Dusclops | 71/155 | Psychic | Two-Diamond |
Dusknoir | 72/155 | Psychic | Three-Diamond |
Drifloon | 73/155 | Psychic | One-Diamond |
Drifblim | 74/155 | Psychic | Two-Diamond |
Uxie | 75/155 | Psychic | Two-Diamond |
Mesprit | 76/155 | Psychic | Three-Diamond |
Azelf | 77/155 | Psychic | ◊◊ |
Giratina | 78/155 | Psychic | Three-Diamond |
Cresselia | 79/155 | Psychic | Three-Diamond |
Rhyhorn | 80/155 | Fighting | One-Diamond |
Rhydon | 81/155 | Fighting | Two-Diamond |
Rhyperior | 82/155 | Fighting | Three-Diamond |
Gligar | 83/155 | Fighting | One-Diamond |
Gliscor | 84/155 | Fighting | Two-Diamond |
Hitmontop | 85/155 | Fighting | One-Diamond |
Nosepass | 86/155 | Fighting | One-Diamond |
Regirock | 87/155 | Fighting | Two-Diamond |
Cranidos | 88/155 | Fighting | Two-Diamond |
Rampardos | 89/155 | Fighting | Three-Diamond |
Wormadam | 90/155 | Fighting | One-Diamond |
Riolu | 91/155 | Fighting | One-Diamond |
Lucario | 92/155 | Fighting | Three-Diamond |
Hippopotas | 93/155 | Fighting | One-Diamond |
Hippowdon | 94/155 | Fighting | Two-Diamond |
Gallade ex | 95/155 | Fighting | Four-Diamond |
Murkrow | 96/155 | Darkness | One-Diamond |
Honchkrow | 97/155 | Darkness | Two-Diamond |
Sneasel | 98/155 | Darkness | One-Diamond |
Weavile ex | 99/155 | Darkness | Four-Diamond |
Poochyena | 100/155 | Darkness | One-Diamond |
Mightyena | 101/155 | Darkness | Two-Diamond |
Stunky | 102/155 | Darkness | One-Diamond |
Skuntank | 103/155 | Darkness | Two-Diamond |
Spiritomb | 104/155 | Darkness | Two-Diamond |
Skorupi | 105/155 | Darkness | One-Diamond |
Drapion | 106/155 | Darkness | Two-Diamond |
Craogunk | 107/155 | Darkness | One-Diamond |
Toxicroack | 108/155 | Darkness | Two-Diamond |
Darkrai | 109/155 | Darkness | Three-Diamond |
Darkrai ex | 110/155 | Darkness | Four-Diamond |
Skarmory | 111/155 | Metal | One-Diamond |
Registeel | 112/155 | Metal | Two-Diamond |
Shieldon | 113/155 | Metal | Two-Diamond |
Bastiodon | 114/155 | Metal | Three-Diamond |
Wormadam | 115/155 | Metal | One-Diamond |
Bronzor | 116/155 | Metal | One-Diamond |
Bronzong | 117/155 | Metal | Two-Diamond |
Probopass | 118/155 | Metal | Two-Diamond |
Dialga ex | 119/155 | Metal | Four-Diamond |
Heatran | 120/155 | Metal | Three-Diamond |
Gible | 121/155 | Dragon | One-Diamond |
Gabite | 122/155 | Dragon | Two-Diamond |
Garchomp | 123/155 | Dragon | Three-Diamond |
Lickitung | 124/155 | Colorless | One-Diamond |
Lickilicky ex | 125/155 | Colorless | Four-Diamond |
Eevee | 126/155 | Colorless | One-Diamond |
Porygon | 127/155 | Colorless | One-Diamond |
Porygon2 | 128/155 | Colorless | Two-Diamond |
Porygon-Z | 129/155 | Colorless | Three-Diamond |
Aipom | 130/155 | Colorless | One-Diamond |
Ambipom | 131/155 | Colorless | One-Diamond |
Starly | 132/155 | Colorless | One-Diamond |
Staravia | 133/155 | Colorless | One-Diamond |
Staraptop | 134/155 | Colorless | Two-Diamond |
Bidoof | 135/155 | Colorless | One-Diamond |
Bibarel | 136/155 | Colorless | One-Diamond |
Buneary | 137/155 | Colorless | One-Diamond |
Lopunny | 138/155 | Colorless | One-Diamond |
Glameow | 139/155 | Colorless | One-Diamond |
Purugly | 140/155 | Colorless | Two-Diamond |
Chatot | 141/155 | Colorless | One-Diamond |
Fan Rotom | 142/155 | Colorless | One-Diamond |
Regigigas | 143/155 | Colorless | Three-Diamond |
Skull Fossil | 144/155 | Trainer | One-Diamond |
Armor Fossil | 145/155 | Trainer | One-Diamond |
Pokemon Communication | 146/155 | Trainer | Two-Diamond |
Giant Cape | 147/155 | Pokemon Tool | Two-Diamond |
Rocky Helmet | 148/155 | Pokemon Tool | Two-Diamond |
Lum Berry | 149/155 | Pokemon Tool | Two-Diamond |
Cyrus | 150/155 | Supporter | Two-Diamond |
Team Galactic Grunt | 151/155 | Supporter | Two-Diamond |
Cynthia | 152/155 | Supporter | Two-Diamond |
Volkner | 153/155 | Supporter | Two-Diamond |
Dawn | 154/155 | Supporter | Two-Diamond |
Mars | 155/155 | Supporter | Two-Diamond |
Tangrowth | 156/155 | Grass | One-Star |
Combee | 157/155 | Grass | One-Star |
Carnivine | 158/155 | Grass | One-Star |
Shaymin | 159/155 | Grass | One-Star |
Mamoswine | 160/155 | Water | One-Star |
Gastrodon | 161/155 | Water | One-Star |
Manaphy | 162/155 | Water | One-Star |
Shinx | 163/155 | Electric | One-Star |
Rotom | 164/155 | Electric | One-Star |
Drifloon | 165/155 | Psychic | One-Star |
Mesprit | 166/155 | Psychic | One-Star |
Giratina | 167/155 | Psychic | One-Star |
Cresselia | 168/155 | Psychic | One-Star |
Rhyperior | 169/155 | Fighting | One-Star |
Lucario | 170/155 | Fighting | One-Star |
Hippopotas | 171/155 | Fighting | One-Star |
Spiritomb | 172/155 | Darkness | One-Star |
Croagunk | 173/155 | Darkness | One-Star |
Heatran | 174/155 | Metal | One-Star |
Garchomp | 175/155 | Dragon | One-Star |
Staraptor | 176/155 | Colorless | One-Star |
Bidoof | 177/155 | Colorless | One-Star |
Glameow | 178/155 | Colorless | One-Star |
Regigias | 179/155 | Colorless | One-Star |
Yanmega ex | 180/155 | Grass | Two-Star |
Infernape ex | 181/155 | Fire | Two-Star |
Palkia ex | 182/155 | Water | Two-Star |
Pachirisu ex | 183/155 | Electric | Two-Star |
Mismagius ex | 184/155 | Psychic | Two-Star |
Gallade ex | 185/155 | Fighting | Two-Star |
Weavile ex | 186/155 | Darkness | Two-Star |
Darkrai ex | 187/155 | Darkness | Two-Star |
Dialga ex | 188/155 | Metal | Two-Star |
Lickilicky ex | 189/155 | Colorless | Two-Star |
Cyrus | 190/155 | Supporter | Two-Star |
Team Galactic Grunt | 191/155 | Supporter | Two-Star |
Cynthia | 192/155 | Supporter | Two-Star |
Volkner | 193/155 | Supporter | Two-Star |
Dawn | 194/155 | Supporter | Two-Star |
Mars | 195/155 | Supporter | Two-Star |
Yanmega ex | 196/155 | Grass | Two-Star |
Infernape ex | 197/155 | Fire | Two-Star |
Pachirisu ex | 198/155 | Electric | Two-Star |
Mismagius ex | 199/155 | Psychic | Two-Star |
Gallade ex | 200/155 | Fighting | Two-Star |
Weavile ex | 201/155 | Darkness | Two-Star |
Darkrai ex | 202/155 | Darkness | Two-Star |
Lickilicky ex | 203/155 | Colorless | Two-Star |
Palkia ex | 204/155 | Water | Three-Star |
Dialga ex | 205/155 | Metal | Three-Star |
Palkia ex | 206/155 | Water | Gold Crown |
Dialga ex | 207/155 | Metal | Gold Crown |
Which Generation is Space-Time Smackdown Based On?
Pokémon TCG Pocket’s Space-Time Smackdown set focuses on the fourth generation of Pokémon.
This means a ton of fan-favorite icons like Dialga, Palkia, Garchomp, and Lucario—Kricketot, and Kricketune are low-key legends in my eyes too.
Which Pokémon are you most excited to try and pull in the Space-Time Smackdown expansion? Which generation should Pocket target next?
Learn how to trade in Pokémon TCG Pocket, how to get Trade Tokens quickly, and our best Celebi ex Deck.