Escape from Tarkov’s patch has been released, introducing a slew of upgrades and improvements to the game’s AI across both PvP and PvE platforms. This upgrade was touted by Battlestate Games a couple of weeks ago following the publication of results from an in-game survey.
Elsewhere, patch also boosts Boss spawn chances and heightens the chances of running into Cultists in both PvE and PvP. Those who were struggling with Partisan appearing in too many PvE raids (like myself) can rest easy – his spawn rate has been dropped globally with this patch.
AI Evolution
The patch in Escape from Tarkov brings a wide variety of changes to AI enemies, including Scavs, Rogues, Raiders, and Bosses:
- All Sniper Scavs and regular Scavs of any difficulty now have 30 head HP
- Increased the chance for AI PMCs to perceive an AI Scav as hostile to 80%. Other chances of faction relationships remain the same in all locations
- Bots now turn their head towards the presumed target to obtain better visual
- The detection speed for Hard difficulty bots is now equal to that of Normal difficulty bots
- Adjusted the detection speed settings for AI PMCs. Now, they detect enemies 20% faster than regular bots
- AI PMCs now also switch to single fire at long ranges. At close ranges, they will switch to full auto if possible
- Regular bots no longer take cover in vegetation
- Bots can no longer see through vegetation unless an enemy is very close to them
- Bot vision is reduced if they are inside the vegetation
- Increased the current and maximum durability of all AI PMC weapons
The team at Battlestate Games has also adjusted a few Player Scav mechanics:
- Adjusted the spawn time for Player Scavs: they now spawn no earlier than 17 minutes after the start of the raid on most of the locations, excluding Factory, Reserve, and low-level Ground Zero
- Increased the chance of spawning with better Scav equipment if the player has a high standing with Fence
Further optimisations were made to the game’s overall stability, with special attention being paid to the new iteration of Customs. In-raid memory consumption has been adjusted on all maps, and shadow quality settings have been tweaked to consider low-end PCs.
Battlestate Games has also delivered a slew of bug fixes with the patch, adjusting some of the most common concerns like bots teleporting through doors and rewards going missing from Cultist Circle redemptions.
Let me know what you think about the latest AI changes in Escape from Tarkov in the comments or on the Insider Gaming forum.
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