Dragon Ball Sparking Zero’s Episode Battles is a new game mode where players can explore some never-before-seen storylines for their favourite characters. These storylines vastly differ from the events in the anime or manga. In this Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Episode Battles Guide, we will go through all the different branching storylines and alternate endings for Gohan in the Buu Saga.
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero’s Episode Battles feature two types of branches; some are complete storylines, whereas others are alternate endings. Completing a whole storyline rewards you with 100,000 Zeni, a bunch of XP and some items. This guide explains all you need to know about Gohan’s branching storylines in the Buu Saga and how to unlock them.
Related: Dragon Ball Sparking Zero: Gohan Black Guide
A Dependable Son
In Gohan’s Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Episode battles, players are offered a choice at the beginning of the Buu Saga. The choice is offered when Spopovich is battering Videl, and Gohan has to either choose to ‘Stay Calm’ or ‘Step in’ to protect. However, no matter your decision, the game mode will follow the canon storyline.
The real choice arrives when Gohan battles Dabura in the Majin Buu arc. Leading up to this fight, Gohan is constantly reminded how far back he has fallen. Vegeta also says that he could knock Gohan out in his sleep. Eager to prove his worth, Gohan takes on Dabura alone. You must defeat Dabura before the match ends to trigger A Dependable Son ending.
If you manage to trigger it, Gohan unleashes his true power and defeats Dabura. Left with no allies, Babidi is defeated, and Buu is never revived. The Z Warriors can go about their lives peacefully. However, Goku wants to go a few rounds against Gohan to test his strength.
Related: Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Episode Battles Guide: Gohan Cell Saga

Related: Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Episode Battles Guide: Goku Saiyan Saga
Stronger than the Strongest
This is another alternate Buu Saga ending for Gohan in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero’s Episode Battles. The Stronger than the Strongest path for Gohan can be unlocked during the Lust for Power mission. Buu has absorbed Gotenks in this battle and shifted his focus to Gohan. You must defeat Buu before the time ends to unlock the secret ending.
In this new scenario, Buu loses power once Gotenks’ fusion wears off and now seeks to absorb Gohan. Gohan is weary of Buu’s tactics and avoids being absorbed. He then fights with his whole strength and defeats Buu, restoring peace on Earth. In this scenario, Goku and Vegeta do not need to intervene, and we do not see the Vegito fusion.
Related: Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Episode Battles Guide: Goku Android/Cell Saga
Related: Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Episode Battles Guide: Vegeta Android/Cell Saga
If you are new to the game, check out the Attack, Movement and Defense guides. These are all the alternate Buu Saga endings for Gohan’s Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Episode Battles. Which one is your favourite? Let us know in the comments or our new community forum!
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