Insider Gaming

Complete Triumphant Light Card List Set in Pokémon TCG Pocket—All Cards in Set A2A

Pokémon TCG Pocket fans aren’t getting a chance to breathe as Triumphant Light is here already. The newest booster set brings all the latest and greatest cards for the community to pack. Let’s check out every card and what to expect from the new booster bundle.

Boy, the Pokémon TCG Pocket schedule isn’t messing around. It feels like Space-Time Smackdown only came out yesterday. But there’s no time to dawdle as Triumphant Light is here. Like Mythical Island, it’s a mini-set, and the god-like Arceus is front and center of the booster pack’s marketing.

It’s one of many cards in the set, and depending on your commitment, it might not take you too long to complete.

How Many Cards in Triumphant Light A2A Set?

triumphant light card collection in pokemon tcg pocket
Well on my way. Image by Insider Gaming

There are 96 cards in the Triumphant Light Pokémon TCG Pocket booster set.

You can expect to collect 75 unique cards if you want to complete Triumphant Light’s base set. However, there are a further 21 cards on top of this with a new Gold Crown Card to fantasize about, along with new Full Arts and Rares.

Triumphant Light Card List in Pokémon TCG Pocket

This is the full card list in Pokémon TCG Pocket‘s A2A Triumphant Light: Including card numbers, types, and card rarities.

Pokémon NameCard NumberCard TypeRarity
Heracross1GrassTwo Diamond
Burmy2GrassOne Diamond
Mothim3GrassTwo Diamond
Combee4GrassOne Diamond
Vespiquen5GrassTwo Diamond
Cherubi6GrassTwo Diamond
Cherrim7GrassTwo Diamond
Cherrim8GrassTwo Diamond
Carnivine9GrassThree Diamond
Leafeon ex10GrassFour Diamond
Houndoor11FireOne Diamond
Houndoom12FireTwo Diamond
Heatran13FireThree Diamond
Marill14WaterOne Diamond
Azumarill15WaterTwo Diamond
Barboach16WaterOne Diamond
Whiscash17WaterTwo Diamond
Snorunt18WaterOne Diamond
Froslass19WaterTwo Diamond
Snover20WaterOne Diamond
Abomasnow21WaterThree Diamond
Glaceon ex22WaterFour Diamond
Origin Forme Palkia23WaterThree Diamond
Phione24WaterTwo Diamond
Pikachu25ElectricOne Diamond
Raichu26ElectricThree Diamond
Electrike27ElectricOne Diamond
Manectric28ElectricTwo Diamond
Clefairy29PsychicOne Diamond
Clefable30PsychicTwo Diamond
Gastly31PsychicOne Diamond
Haunter32PsychicOne Diamond
Gengar33PsychicTwo Diamond
Unown34PsychicTwo Diamond
Rotom35PsychicThree Diamond
Sudowoodo36FightingTwo Diamond
Phanpy37FightingOne Diamond
Donphan38FightingTwo Diamond
Larvitar39FightingOne Diamond
Pupitar40FightingTwo Diamond
Tyranitar41FightingThree Diamond
Nosepass42FightingOne Diamond
Meditite43FightingTwo Diamond
Medicham44FightingTwo Diamond
Gible45FightingOne Diamond
Gabite46FightingTwo Diamond
Garchomp ex47FightingFour Diamond
Zubat48DarknessOne Diamond
Golbat49DarknessOne Diamond
Crobat50DarknessThree Diamond
Croagunk51DarknessOne Diamond
Toxicroak52DarknessTwo Diamond
Magnemite53MetalOne Diamond
Magneton54MetalOne Diamond
Magnezone55MetalThree Diamond
Mawile56MetalOne Diamond
Probopass ex57MetalFour Diamond
Bronzor58MetalOne Diamond
Bronzong59MetalTwo Diamond
Origin Forme Dialga60MetalThree Diamond
Giratina61DragonThree Diamond
Eevee62ColorlessOne Diamond
Snorlax63ColorlessTwo Diamond
Hoothoot64ColorlessOne Diamond
Noctowl65ColorlessTwo Diamond
Starly66ColorlessOne Diamond
Staravia67ColorlessOne Diamond
Staraptor68ColorlessTwo Diamond
Shaymin69ColorlessThree Diamond
Arceus70ColorlessThree Diamond
Arceus ex71ColorlessFour Diamond
Irida72SupporterTwo Diamond
Celestic Town Elder73SupporterTwo Diamond
Barry74SupporterTwo Diamond
Adaman75SupporterTwo Diamond
Houndoom76FireOne Star
Marill77WaterOne Star
Unown78PsychicOne Star
Sudowoodo79FightingOne Star
Magnemite80ElectricOne Star
Shaymin81ColorlessOne Star
Leafeon ex82GrassOne Star
Glaceon ex83WaterTwo Star
Garchomp ex84FightingTwo Star
Probopass ex85MetalTwo Star
Arceus ex86ColorlessTwo Star
Irida87SupporterTwo Star
Celestic Town Elder88SupporterTwo Star
Barry89SupporterTwo Star
Adaman90SupporterTwo Star
Leafeon ex91GrassTwo Star
Glaceon ex92WaterTwo Star
Garchomp ex93FightingTwo Star
Probopass ex94MetalTwo Star
Arceus ex95ColorlessThree Star
Arceus ex96ColorlessGold Crown

Rarest Cards in Triumphant Island A2A Set

The Gold Crown Arceus ex card is the holy grail of Triumphant Light. A Three-Star Arceus ex also awaits, as do a bunch of Two-Star cards ranging from Pokémon to Supporter cards.

How does Triumphant Light’s set compare to Mythical Island? Do you like these smaller sets in-between the large main set additions? Or does the developer need to leave more time between sets? Give us your thoughts below.

Check out our Pokémon Legends Z-A Release hub, Pokémon Pocket Ranked Mode guide, and everything announced at February 2025’s Pokémon Presents for more news and content.

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