The Pokémon TCG Pocket Mythical Island card list is part of a new expansion breathing new life into an already vibrant and spirited game. Pokémon TCG Pocket’s collection of cards is growing at a fast rate, and here’s everything you need to know about the Mythical Island set.
Pokémon TCG Pocket is another winner for The Pokémon Company. Pocket effortlessly incorporates pack-opening mechanics, card collecting, and battling—and the community can’t get enough. The free-to-play title quickly earned $120 Million in no time at all, and now Mythical Island is sure to encourage players to choose their wallets and throw them at the game.
Mythical Island may only be a mini-set, but it has dozens of meta-changing, headache-inducing cards you simply need to own.
How Many Cards in Mythical Island Expansion in Pokémon TCG Pocket?

There are 86 new cards in the Pokémon TCG Pocket Mythical Island expansion, and this is broken up into 68 normal cards to complete the main deck, and an additional 18 cards specials—consisting of Full Arts and a Crown design.
This number falls quite short of Genetic Apex’s 286 total cards; however, Mythical Island is only supposed to be a mini-set after all. This is a stopgap between Genetic Apex and the rumored second main set as part of the next expansion planned for 2025.
Every Pokémon TCG Pocket Mythical Island Card
I’ve put together a handy list showing you every card in Pokémon TCG Pocket Mythical Island, as well as what type of card they are. Keep checking back to refer to the list as you hunt the full set.
Pokémon Name | Card Number | Elemental Type | Rarity |
Exeggcute | 1 | Grass | One Diamond |
Exeggutor | 2 | Grass | Two Diamond |
Celebi ex | 3 | Grass | Four Diamond |
Snivy | 4 | Grass | One Diamond |
Servine | 5 | Grass | TwoDiamond |
Serperior | 6 | Grass | Three Diamond |
Morelull | 7 | Grass | One Diamond |
Shiinotic | 8 | Grass | Two Diamond |
Dhelmise | 9 | Grass | Two Diamond |
Ponyta | 10 | Fire | One Diamond |
Rapidash | 11 | Fire | Two Diamond |
Magmar | 12 | Fire | Two Diamond |
Larvesta | 13 | Fire | One Diamond |
Volcarona | 14 | Fire | Three Diamond |
Salandit | 15 | Fire | One Diamond |
Salazzle | 16 | Fire | One Diamond |
Magikarp | 17 | Water | One Diamond |
Gyarados ex | 18 | Water | Four Diamond |
Vaporeon | 19 | Water | Three Diamond |
Finneon | 20 | Water | One Diamond |
Lumineon | 21 | Water | Two Diamond |
Chewtle | 22 | Water | One Diamond |
Drednaw | 23 | Water | Two Diamond |
Cramorant | 24 | Water | One Diamond |
Pikachu | 25 | Electric | One Diamond |
Raichu | 26 | Electric | Three Diamond |
Electabuzz | 27 | Electric | Two Diamond |
Joltik | 28 | Electric | One Diamond |
Galvantula | 29 | Electric | Two Diamond |
Dedenne | 30 | Electric | One Diamond |
Mew | 31 | Psychic | Three Diamond |
Mew ex | 32 | Psychic | Four Diamond |
Sigilyph | 33 | Psychic | Two Diamond |
Elgyem | 34 | Psychic | One Diamond |
Beheeyem | 35 | Psychic | Two Diamond |
Flabébé | 36 | Psychic | One Diamond |
Floette | 37 | Psychic | One Diamond |
Florges | 38 | Psychic | Two Diamond |
Swirlix | 39 | Psychic | One Diamond |
Slurpuff | 40 | Psychic | One Diamond |
Mankey | 41 | Fighting | One Diamond |
Primeape | 42 | Fighting | One Diamond |
Geodude | 43 | Fighting | One Diamond |
Graveler | 44 | Fighting | Two Diamond |
Golem | 45 | Fighting | Three Diamond |
Aerodactyl ex | 46 | Fighting | Four Diamond |
Marshadow | 47 | Fighting | Three Diamond |
Stonjourner | 48 | Fighting | Two Diamond |
Koffing | 49 | Poison | One Diamond |
Weezing | 50 | Poison | Two Diamond |
Purrloin | 51 | Darkness | One Diamond |
Liepard | 52 | Darkness | One Diamond |
Venipede | 53 | Darkness | One Diamond |
Whirlipede | 54 | Darkness | One Diamond |
Scolipede | 55 | Darkness | Two Diamond |
Druddigon | 56 | Dragon | Two Diamond |
Pidgey | 57 | Normal | One Diamond |
Pidgeotto | 58 | Normal | One Diamond |
Pidgeot ex | 59 | Normal | Four Diamond |
Tauros | 60 | Normal | Three Diamond |
Eevee | 61 | Normal | One Diamond |
Chatot | 62 | Normal | One Diamond |
Old Amber | 63 | Trainer | One Diamond |
Pokémon Flute | 64 | Trainer | Two Diamond |
Mythical Slab | 65 | Trainer | Two Diamond |
Budding Expeditioner | 66 | Supporter | Two Diamond |
Blue | 67 | Supporter | Two Diamond |
Leaf | 68 | Supporter | Two Diamond |
Exeggutor | 69 | Grass | One Star |
Serperior | 70 | Grass | One Star |
Salandit | 71 | Fire | One Star |
Vaporeon | 72 | Water | One Star |
Dedenne | 73 | Electric | One Star |
Marshadow | 74 | Fighting | One Star |
Celebi ex | 75 | Grass | Two Star |
Gyarados ex | 76 | Water | Two Star |
Mew ex | 77 | Psychic | Two Star |
Aerodactyl ex | 78 | Fighting | Two Star |
Pidgeot ex | 79 | Normal | Two Star |
Budding Expeditioner | 80 | Supporter | Two Star |
Blue | 81 | Supporter | Two Star |
Leaf | 82 | Supporter | Two Star |
Mew ex | 83 | Psychic | Two Star |
Aerodactyl ex | 84 | Fighting | Two Star |
Celebi ex | 85 | Grass | Three Star |
Mew ex | 86 | Psychic | Crown |
Apart from the obvious cards such 86’s Mew ex Crown and the various Celebis, which cards are you most looking forward to pulling? Also, which do you think are the meta until the second set is released? Share your thoughts with us. Plus, check out the history of the God Pack, as well as how to get Flair in Pocket.