Insider Gaming

All Chef RPG Achievements and How to Unlock Them

I don’t consider myself an achievement hunter, though I fully understand the desire to milk every ounce of entertainment from a game. But to help those of you who want to acquire every one of the Chef RPG achievements, Insider Gaming is here to help you unlock each one!

All of the Chef RPG Achievements

There are 30 achievements in Chef RPG, though the game’s in Early Access and will likely expand in the coming months. If it does, we’ll update this guide with the additional achievements and unlock methods. For now, here’s how to get the first 30 available now:

AchievementsHow to Unlock
New BeginningsOpen your restaurant for the first time.
Ready, Set, Cook!Complete a cooking minigame with at least 95% dish quality.
First HuntDefeat an animal.
GathererHarvest crops 100 times in White Ash Harbor.
The Wilderness is ScaryDefeat an Elite-level animal.
The Beginnings of a New CuisineComplete Story Act 1.
Best FriendsBecome “Close Friends” with an NPC.
Critic’s ChoiceCompelte Story Act 2.
Big SpenderSpend 100,000 Credits.
Party MastermindComplete a party contract with at least 10 stars.
Community HelperComplete 10 different bulletin tasks.
Crowded KitchenHave a total of 20 staff members active during restaurant service.
The First BrewBrew an alcoholic drink.
Not Enough SeatsExpand your restaurant.
Rising StarReach Restaurant Reputation 300 in Le Sequoia.
Lucky FindMine a Diamond.
Sustainable IngredientsHarvest a farmed plant.
No Longer a FreeloaderPurchase a home.
Incredible PowerEquip a Legendary-level tool.
More is MoreEnhance 10 recipes.
Culinary InnovatorReach maximum level in a Research category.
What a Catch!Catch a Giant-sized fish.
Knowledgeable ChefUnlock 50 recipes.
Unlimited KnowledgeUnlock 200 recipes.
Creature MasterDefeat a boss.
A Chance for LoveGo on a first date with an NPC.
Ultimate RecruiterHire a Legendary-level staff member for your restaurant.
Self ImprovementReach Player Level 40.
Return to the Glory DaysComplete Story Act 3.
Blok MasterProduce 10 Concentrated Bath Bloks.

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