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Can You Bet On Esports in the US?

As the world of gambling and betting stays as rampant as ever, many are starting to wonder whether or not you can bet on esports in the US. With gaming being one of the biggest industries in the world and competitive esports constantly growing, it would seem as if esport betting should be possible in the United States, right?

In this guide, we’re looking at everything to do with betting on esports in the US.

Is Esports Betting Allowed Anywhere?

Here’s our first big question – is esports betting allowed anywhere? The answer is yes, esports betting is allowed, but only in specific states and countries. Not everywhere has legalized esports gambling, which presents an issue to those wanting to place wagers on some top esports odds.

Currently, China and the US are in the lead when it comes to esports betting. According to Statista, the US is projected to generate more than $700 million in revenue from esports betting in 2024.

Can you bet on esports?

Other countries, such as the United Kingdom and France have also legalized esports gambling.

As the esports industry grows, so too is the practice of esports betting. If you’re wondering if you can bet on esports in the US, simply read on – we’re going to break down in which states esports betting is legal.

US States That Allow Esports Betting

With the US being one of the leaders in esports gambling, there are still quite a few states that have not legalized the activity. Still, the US pulls in the highest numbers each year revenue-wise, despite more than half the country not allowing it.

States where esports betting is 100% legal:

  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • Tennessee
  • West Virginia

It seems like a small number of states for the country to be so far ahead of others when it comes to competitive video game gambling revenue, right? Well, many other states allow this type of betting but have specific rules to abide by, making it much more difficult to participate in.

Can you bet on esports?

Additional states that allow esports betting:

  • Arkansas
  • Delaware
  • New York
  • Iowa
  • Illinois
  • Michigan
  • Rhode Island
  • Montana
  • New Mexico
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania

As of now, only 15 states allow esports betting, which isn’t even half the country. With the recent announcement that esports will be coming to the Olympics, though, we could see the legality of betting on competitive gaming change in many of the states.

Why Is Esports Betting Not Allowed In Some States?

The reasons why some places don’t allow betting on competitive video games can be a bit complicated. There are a few reasons as to why esports betting is still illegal in most of the world. One of these is the simple fact that many do not recognize esports as an actual sport.

Another reason is the morality of gambling, as some places do not allow gambling in general – it could be a cultural or a political thing, too.

Can you bet on esports?

Then you get into the question of age, as many competitive gamers are minors. The legal age to compete in Fortnite is only 13 years old, for example. This has led many to question whether or not is ethically okay to bet on a child winning a video game.

Ultimately, esports betting in the US is becoming more popular all the time, and in a few years, we wouldn’t be surprised if every state picked up on the trend. If you want to bet on esports in the US, just be patient – it’s coming.

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